An AAC Professional Learning Module Book Study based on the AAC publication Scaffolding for Student Success Scaffolding for Student Success Module 2: Set the Stage for Effective Feedback
Module 2 in Context AAC Professional Learning 2 Scaffolding for Student Success Module 1 clarified the two-fold purpose of assessment for learning. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 3 provides a closer look at the sample feedback tools in the Scaffolding resource. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 4 outlines a five-step process for creating tools for classroom use. The purpose of this module is to examine key conditions that set the stage for effective feedback.
Logistics AAC Professional Learning Page numbers in the upper right hand corner of the slides refer to pages in Scaffolding for Student Success. Participants will require access to a copy of the resource in order to take full advantage of this professional learning experience. Participant materials and facilitator notes are available to accompany this professional learning module. These materials are provided as a service to AAC members and are protected by copyright. If modifications are desired, the modified version should clearly indicate that they have been modified from the original and also provide the link to the original materials. Modified materials are for personal use and may not be subsequently posted to any website. The complete AAC Copyright and Terms of Use document is available at 3
Remember... AAC Professional Learning The two-fold purpose of assessment for Learning is to… provide teachers with information about student learning to inform decisions regarding next steps for instruction and coaching. provide students with information about their progress towards the learning goals to help them improve work in progress. 4
Feedback in the Absence of Grades AAC Professional Learning 5 Butler(1988). Br. J. Educ. Psychol., Impact of 3 types of feedback Scores Only Comments Only Scores and Comments ! Students receiving comments only scored 30% higher than students receiving scores only. Students receiving scores and comments scored the same as students receiving scores only.
Assessment for Learning or Feedback for Learning AAC Professional Learning Effective feedback is... specific and descriptive frequent and timely collaborative, with students deeply involved designed to improve student learning 6 ? Think of a time when you received effective feedback. What was the impact on your learning?
Sources of Feedback 7 AAC Professional Learning
Set the Stage for Effective Feedback... Create a safe classroom environment. Teach and model feedback processes. Develop a shared understanding of criteria. AAC Professional Learning 8
Set the Stage for Effective Feedback... Create a safe classroom environment. Teach and model feedback processes. Develop a shared understanding of criteria. AAC Professional Learning 9
Dylan Wiliam AAC Professional Learning 10 Feedback on Learning speakers/feedbackonlearningdylanwiliam.asp speakers/feedbackonlearningdylanwiliam.asp Video Source: Education Scotland ? Dylan states that good feedback should cause thinking. It should be task involved rather than ego involved. How would this approach help to create an environment that would be conducive to learning?
Questions for Further Reflection AAC Professional Learning Is there an invisible bell curve lurking in the classroom? What impact would this have on attempts to promote the use of peer feedback? How do I help students develop trust in each other, in themselves, and in me? How do I help parents understand the benefits of peer feedback and student self-reflection, in the absence of grades? 11
Set the Stage for Effective Feedback... Create a safe classroom environment. Teach and model feedback processes. Develop a shared understanding of criteria. AAC Professional Learning 12
Effective Feedback AAC Professional Learning What characteristics of effective feedback are evident in these video clips? How did the students likely develop the ability to reflect and give/receive feedback? Refocus CD Our Program in Action Kindergarten: Sarah Shares Exemplars Gr. 5: Peer Assessment 13
Teach and Model Feedback Processes AAC Professional Learning 14 Rubrics and More (requires AAC username and password) Descriptive Feedback Templates Descriptive Feedback Prompts
Points to Ponder... AAC Professional Learning If students graduate from school still dependent on others to tell them when they are adequate, good or excellent, then we have missed the whole point of what education is about. Costa & Kallick (2003, p. 3) 15
Set the Stage for Effective Feedback... Create a safe classroom environment. Teach and model feedback processes. Develop a shared understanding of criteria. AAC Professional Learning 16
The Need for a Shared Understanding AAC Professional Learning 17 Video Clips (requires AAC username and password) Spaghetti on the Shirt
Developing A Shared Understanding of Criteria AAC Professional Learning Note how the teacher works to bridge her knowledge of the learner outcomes with the students’ contributions. Refocus CD Our Teachers Speak Gr. 6 Setting Criteria 18
For More Information... AAC Professional Learning 19 AAC Publications AAC Professional Learning Modules
Next Steps... AAC Professional Learning 20 Seek to provide feedback to students that is task involved rather than ego involved. Model feedback processes with students. Create opportunities to discuss criteria with students. ? How are students responding to these strategies? What insights have you gained? What further questions are raised?
Looking Ahead to Module 3 AAC Professional Learning 21 Scaffolding for Student Success Module 1 clarified the two-fold purpose of assessment for learning. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 2 examined key conditions that set the stage for effective feedback. Scaffolding for Student Success Module 4 outlines a five-step process for creating tools for classroom use. The purpose of Module 3 is to provide a closer look at the sample feedback tools in the Scaffolding resource.