Mrs. Maguire Grade 3 Welcome to OUR classroom!
Mission Statement Rose Tree Elementary School is a safe, nurturing, student-centered community. A rigorous curriculum is provided in a supportive, respectful and collaborative setting. We build strong foundational skills for academic, social, emotional and physical growth. We partner in education with families to celebrate diversity, foster life-long learning, and develop responsible, global citizens.
Background Busy Family Life - Married with 3 Children: Samantha, 17; Sarah, 13; Michael, 8 B.S. Penn State/ M.S. Gratz College Joined the RTE team in 2007 20+ years teaching experience
Sarah, Michael and Samantha
Communication Assignment Book/ Signed nightly by a parent! Assessments Parent Conferences Class Telephone (610) Class Website- Homework Your … Must be current Homeroom Parents: Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Welch PTG HAC
Homework Reading – 2 steps or Kid Biz Math pages and TFS Word Study SS/ Science (study guides) Homework Passes ??? Posted daily on my classroom website
Expected Behavior All students are expected to follow the rules of our classroom and the school. Be READY, RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE! Rewards and Consequences Homework Missing? Once or Twice - No big deal! Chronically - We will talk! Emergency - No problem!
Our Class Rules Be Ready! Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Persevere!
Behavior Incentives Red Tickets High-Five Tickets Whole Class Rewards
Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting Teachable Moments Social Skills Modeling and Instruction
Reading/Language Arts Standards-Based Reading Workshop: Teachers’ College Skills Independent Reading Word Study Words Their Way: Word Study in Action, Pearson Learning, 2012 Guided Reading Novels Readers’ Response Journals
Reading/Language Arts (cont.) Editing/proofreading skills Cursive Handwriting Read Aloud Writing: Writing Workshop: Teachers’ College Books, Books, Books! Scholastic Orders- Library Cards Mystery Readers
Math Standards-Based enVision Math 2.0(Common Core) Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Vocabulary Homework differences (time)
Math (cont.) Daily practice of basic facts Tools for Success - Multiplication Computer Component Enrichment Group
Social Studies Standards-Based Pilot: My World Social Studies: We are Connected Pearson, 2016 Topics of Study: Geography, Economics, Immigration, Government (local), Community Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Overview Occasional individual/group projects and/or presentations Related Field Trips
Science Standards-Based 4 Units (Switch Classes) Land and Water Astronomy Magnetism and Electricity ***Embryology Health: Body Systems
Encore Schedule 12 Day Cycle: Days 2, 5, 8, 11 Gym Days 3, 7, 10 Art Days 4, 9, 12 Music Days 1, 6 Library Computers
Core Extension Time 12:50-1:40 each day Pull-outs for services AGP, OT, PT, ELL, Speech, Guidance, etc. Self-directed activities Kid Biz PA Studies Weekly Curricular Boosts Parent Helpers - Clearances Required!
Technology Whole class computer cart work research, enrichment, MS Office 4 classroom computers district network connection Individual/Cooperative learning activities Used as a “tool” to enhance the curriculum Digital Cameras, Distance Learning
Assessment Quizzes Tests Test folders will come home periodically. Tests must be signed and returned. Daily Work accuracy, quality, completion Teacher Observation Projects Self/Group/Peer Assessment Rubrics (clear expectations)
PSSA Testing Reading and Math State Assessments based on PA Common Core Testing Window is in April
MAP Testing and DIBELS Testing for MAP is in the fall and spring Looking for a year’s growth during the school year DIBELS Assesses fluency and recall of text
Class Trips Upper Providence Twp. Building (govt.) Lankenau Hospital (body systems) Planetarium (solar system) Franklin Institute (magnetism, electricity, body systems, etc.) If you would like to chaperone, you must have volunteer clearances.
We’re off to a Great Start!