The 1800 census counted more than five million Americans and the numbers were growing rapidly. As settlers moved west they took the folk songs with them. Often along these rugged journeys singing supplied the only release from the rigors of frontier life.
The songs of the frontier were predominantly of folk origin. Songs for work, the campfire, Lullabies, gaming, and praise. Usually simple melodies that were easy to sing. Tunes like Hush Little Baby, Poor Wayfaring Stranger, and Barb’ra Allen are still among the best loved folk songs of our time.
As general stores popped up across the trail to the west so did William(Singing Billy) Walker’s The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion. Published in His modal melodies and primitive harmonies have an archaic, often medieval sound, but also have a distinctly native strength.
William “singing Billy” Walker
It was common to have tent revivals where men and women of all denominations, race, and financial position would come from great distances. They would round up their wagons and tents, preach all day and play all night. Tunes like Amazing Grace, Wondrous Love, My Faith Looks Up to Thee. Still found in churches currently. *
Lowell Mason left life as a banker to become “the father of American church music” Through his efforts music instruction was introduced into the public school system in 1838.
Lowell Mason
During this time period piano’s are slowly being introduced into peoples homes. At first they were all imported from Europe but in 1823 Chickering starts producing them in America Knabes 1853 Steinway*