West Pender Middle School Title I Parent Meeting Monday, August 23, 2010
As a Parent in a Title I School: You have the right to be involved on many topics that affect your child’s education. You can do this by: Speaking regularly with your child’s teacher about how he/she is performing in school Serving on the Parent Advisory Board or the School Improvement Team Completing surveys Participating in Parent Trainings Helping in the development of the School-Parent Compacts and the Parent Involvement Policy Talking to the principal Helping your child with homework
You Have the Right to Know: The qualifications of your child’s teacher The Parent Involvement Policy of your child’s school and to be involved in its development The curriculum your child will be taught and how that curriculum will be measured on state tests How your child’s school is performing on the state’s standards How your child measures to the state’s standards
How Does Title I Help Your School? Provides additional teachers Provides money for intervention programs Provides money for supplies and materials, including computers and computer software Provides opportunities for parents to be partners with the school in helping children do their best Provides opportunities for teacher training
How does West Pender spend their Title I Money? Personnel ($32,800) 63% of 1 full time teacher 80% of 1 assistant position Parental Involvement ($700) Instructional Supplies/Technology ($42,000) Professional Development ($7,000) Total Allotment $84,000 (includes carryover)
Title I Benefits… The Children You as a Parent Teachers and Staff The Entire Community
School Improvement Continues… West Pender … has entered the 2 nd Year of the School Improvement process under No Child Left Behind because targets were not met in mathematics 3 years in a row.
What does this mean? West Pender… becomes a school of choice. In addition to offering Supplemental Educational Services (SES) under No Child Left Behind, West Pender must offer School Choice. School transfer options: Burgaw Middle Cape Fear Middle
Notification You should have received a letter explaining the school improvement process and your choices for school transfer.
What is Penderlea going to do to exit the School Improvement Process? Full implementation of the Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) model. A West Pender team participated in eight days of training with the state RtI team during the school year. West Pender will fully implement RtI during the school year offering an intervention/enrichment block for all students success. West Pender will continue to purchase technology and provide professional development for teachers and students to support 21 st Century learning. New technology purchases and training will include the use of iPads, iPods, and netbooks. West Pender will be implementing a mentoring program for students with academic, behavioral, and/or emotional needs to support academic growth. West Pender instructional staff will receive training on The “Power of I”, a research based program that raises the standards of instructional expectations.
Questions? Contact Information: Molly White, Director K-8 Student Learning and Title I