Effective Mentoring Mentor Support & Best Practice 1
Martyn Swansborough 2 Who? Credit Manager with Black Horse Asset Finance, Business Support Unit What? Mentor, College of Haringey, Enfield & North East London LAB (Lead Mentor) Why? Self Fulfilment, Self Development When? Since 2013, Lab 2014, LAB Lead 2015, 2016 Interns (= Colleague Recruitment) How? 64 million dollar question – everybody’s unique!
Aim To consider ‘best practice’ when mentoring. How to best engage with students. How to build a quicker rapport – strategies available. How to get the most out of the Mentor (and Mentee ) Toolkits to support mentoring. How to overcome challenges that arise (unexpected positives) To ensure Mentors feel engaged and included as part of the Career Ready family. 3 Mentor Oxford Dictionary Definition: 1. An experienced and trusted adviser;experiencedtrustedadviser 2. An experienced person in a company or educational institution who trains and counsels new employees or students;experiencededucationaltrainscounselsstudents 3. Mentōr, the name of the adviser of the young Telemachus in Homer's Odyssey
Typical Challenges Rapport? Communication? Excuses? Expectations? Behaviour? What’s in it for me? 4
Typical Solutions? Ground Rules Ownership Organisational Skills Questions Collaboration Feedback 5
I was at BP yesterday to see Elizabeth’s presentation. She was literally the star of the show, co-hosting the event with a fellow student. She presented extremely well and it was clear that she has contributed a lot to BP and developed a strong relationship with her supervisor. Elizabeth said that the best part of Career Ready was her mentor who has helped her sell herself. Lovely feedback for both Elizabeth and her Mentor! 6
Before meeting your Student Mentor Handbook After Graduation 7 During Relationship
What’s in it for you? Character Building Increased Confidence & Communication Skills Enhanced Management, Supervision & Oversight Skills Networking & Relationship Development Life Skills – Share from Personal Experiences Develop Soft Skills and Adaptability Social Responsibility & Personal Satisfaction Don’t forget to sign up! 8