Day 4 Lesson SP2 8/11
Patada: We’ll finish our dialogue from yesterday. Make at least one dialogue in which you use at least 6 of the 15 words or phrases to initiate, conduct, and close a brief introduction or conversation. When you finish, try to make another dialogue using different words or phrases from today’s lesson. Number your responses, e.g. speaker 1 and speaker 2. Ejemplo: 1. Hi, Bill. 2. Hi, Tom. How are you? 1.I’m fine, thanks, Bill. 2.Etc… *Please write legibly. We will have to read these momentarily.
EQ What is a noun? What are the 2 genders that nouns can be? What are the punctuation and capitalization rules for Spanish? Where in the world is Spanish spoken?
Standard & Learning Objective Standard (s): – MLII.CCC2C Compare and contrast the geography of countries of the target language and the students’ own country. – MLII.CCC3A Compare vocabulary usage and structural patterns of the target language with English. Learning objective: – I can recognize nouns and their genders in Spanish. – I can recognize and use the punctuation and capitalization rules properly in Spanish. – I can recall where in the world Spanish is spoken.
Nouns & Genders What is a noun? – Person, place, thing, or idea Give me an example of each in Spanish. How many genders are there in Spanish? – 2 (tecnically 3. The third is neuter). What are those genders? – Masculine & Feminine Give me an example of a masculine noun. Now a feminine noun.
Articles & Gender An article is a kind of adjective which is always used with and gives some information about a noun. *Hand in syllable stress quizzes. Definite articles ¿el, la, los, las? 1.______ chico 2.______ chica 3.______ maleta 4.______ cuadernos 5.______ l ápiz Indefinite articles ¿un, una, unos, unas? 1._______ autobús 2._______ escuela 3._______ hombre 4._______ señoras 5._______ lápices
Capitalization rules Spanish uses capital letters far less often than English. Let's start with the situations you're familiar with: Do Use Capital Letters… – …when starting a sentence: Me gusta helado. Mi tío también. I like ice cream. My uncle too. – …with proper nouns: Note: With proper nouns, only the name itself is capitalized, not descriptive words: Quiero subir elmonte Everest. Voy a conducir a Canadá con Sara en su Mazda. I'm going to drive to Canada with Sara in her Mazda. – …with abbreviated personal titles: El Sr. Montero conoce a la Dra. Rodríguez. Mr. Montero knows Dr. Rodríguez. – But there are many situations where a word that would be capitalized in English is not in Spanish.
Find some cultural facts. Research 3-5 Spanish speaking countries. Write 3-5 sentences explaining what you can do in each country. *Look for specific things you can do (e.g. Celebrate a festival or a holiday. Visit a site or a monument.). – E.g. Yo puedo correr con los toros en Espa ña. I can run with the bulls in Spain.
Stop and Check 1.What is a noun? 2.Nouns, articles, and adjectives can be what 2 genders? 3.What are the indefinite articles in Spanish? 4.What are the definite articles Spanish? 5.In Spanish, do we capitalize months and days of the week?