The Intellectual Auction is a game played by two teams. Each team has $1000 to buy the questions by offering the highest price like in an auction after the teacher says the starting price. If the team buys the right statement, it gets 1 point. If the team buys the wrong statement, it gets 2 points. Moreover, 1 more point is given, if the team can correct it.
These are the topics the students should study long before the game (as their homework): the capitals and large cities, flags, official languages, political parties, food traditions of the English speaking countries; New York’s history; Australias’s animals; football ; projects on reforming English.
2.The Australian flag has six stars.
4.The British like spicy food.
The donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party of the USA.
There are about 750,000 camels roaming wild in Australia.
An Englishman drinks more tea than any person of any other nation (over twenty times more than Americans!).
Uncle Sam is the national nickname of the Americans.
That fact is really true.
Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Its population is about 2.6 million people while in Ottawa about 870,250 people live.
The koala bear is not a bear though it looks like a bear.
In 1609 the Dutch settled the area where New York is now.
The USA has no official languages, but in fact English is the most common language.
The first American flag had thirteen stars.
There are two football clubs in Manchester: Manchester United and Manchester City.