1 OECD Development Centre Governing Board Meeting Programme of Work Initial proposals
2 Guiding principles for the Work Programme Sharing the OECD’s coherent approach to development, focussing on selected areas Assuring continuity by building on what we know (e.g. policy coherence, development finance architecture, Africa) Responding to new priorities (e.g. emerging economies, private sector) Raising our policy impact and visibility through “Flagships”
3 The OECD’s Coherent Framework*: Four Priorities Fostering inclusive globalisation and supporting policy reform for growth and poverty reduction I Supporting capacity development and promoting good governance II Mobilising resources for development and improving their effective use III Addressing shared risks IV * Building a Coherent Framework for the OECD’s Work on Development in [C(2006)8/REV1]
4 From the OECD Coherent Framework Development Centre Programme of Work 2007 – 2008 to the
5 Proposed Area I: Policy Coherence for Development and Human Security How does it fit in? I. Inclusive globalisation II. Capacity & governance III. Mobilising resources IV. Addressing shared risks Suggested areas of work: – Migration, human security, trade and development interlinkages – Responses to shocks, risks and vulnerability: new answers to old challenges – Coherence: how to make it happen?
6 Proposed Area II: Business for Development How does it fit in? Suggested areas of work: – Capacity building and global reach: what policies to mobilise private sector? How to promote agribusiness development? – Business for Development Index – Promoting private sector development in MENA and CACEO I. Inclusive globalisation II. Capacity & governance III. Mobilising resources IV. Addressing shared risks
7 Proposed Area III: Innovative Finance for Development How does it fit in? I. Inclusive globalisation II. Capacity & governance III. Mobilising resources IV. Addressing shared risks Suggested areas of work: – Development finance architecture: new actors, new instruments, new institutions – Domestic strategies for resource mobilisation (tax policy, foreign exchange management) – Evaluation and monitoring of non state actors’ contribution to development
8 Proposed Area IV: African Economic Outlook How does it fit in? I. Inclusive globalisation II. Capacity & governance III. Mobilising resources IV. Addressing shared risks Monitoring 30 African countries Thematic cross-country analysis … in partnership with AfDB and EC
9 Proposed Area V: Latin American Economic Outlook How does it fit in? I. Inclusive globalisation II. Capacity & governance III. Mobilising resources IV. Addressing shared risks Thematic cross-country analysis Selected country surveys … in partnership with OECD Directorates and other institutions
10 From the Development Centre Programme of Work 2007 – 2008 to Impact & Visibility: Development Centre Flagships
11 Flagships: Raising Policy Impact and Visibility A regular voice in the international policy debate (annual or bi-annual) A recognised brand in policy dialogue events Widely disseminated and well-targeted publications A strategic tool for co-operation, both within and outside the OECD
12 Proposed flagships I. Policy Coherence for Development and Human Security II. Business for Development III. Innovative Finance for Development IV. African Economic Outlook V. Latin American Economic Outlook VI. …
13 A “Russian dolls” output strategy Flagship Publications Policy Briefs / Working Papers Policy Insights
14 Specific budget, dedicated full-time team Global dissemination Engaging partners around each flagship Policy dialogue Experts’ meetings Informal networking group (SWING) Governing Board Advisory Group
15 Governing Board & delegations Committees ELS, DCD, ECO, AGR, DSTI, ECH, GOV, SAH, SGE/Au, TUAC World Bank, African Development Bank, IOM JICA, GTZ … UNDP, WHO, ILO Flagship 1: Policy Coherence for Development & Human Security … and outside the OECD… both within … A strategic tool for co-operation…
16 Governing Board & delegations Committees AGR, DAF, DCD, ECH, GOV, STI, LEEDS, BIAC World Bank / IFC, Regional Development Banks Private foundations UN (Global Compact), FAO Flagship 2: Business for Development … and outside the OECD… both within … A strategic tool for co-operation…
17 Governing Board & delegations Committees DCD, DAF, LEEDS, ECO NGOs, private sector, corporate foundations, institutional investors Bilaterals Multilaterals Flagship 3: Innovative Finance for Development … and outside the OECD… both within … A strategic tool for co-operation… OECD Global Forum on Development
18 Governing Board & delegations Committees ECO, DCD, AGR, IEA, DAF, DELSA World Bank, IMF Bilaterals, EC IFAD, UNCTAD Flagship 4: African Economic Outlook … and outside the OECD… both within … A strategic tool for co-operation…
19 Governing Board & delegations Committees Potentially all Directorates Inter-American Development Bank, Iberoamerican Secretariat, ECLAC Private partners Local think tanks (Fedesarrollo, CERES … ) Flagship 5: Latin American Economic Outlook … and outside the OECD… both within … A strategic tool for co-operation…
: A trial-run for flagships Bringing together results from the Programme of Work: –Policy Coherence for Development and Human Security –Business for Development –Innovative Finance for Development –African Economic Outlook
21 Board Members are invited to: Express their opinions as to the pertinence of the strategy and the topics proposed 1 Put forward additional ideas that would enrich the proposal 2 Indicate their priorities between expected output results 3
22 Thank you