Their, There, + They’re
THERE Use there when referring to a place. How to remember: The word here is hiding in the word there. Both here and there are words that refer to a place or direction. Use there when referring to a place. How to remember: The word here is hiding in the word there. Both here and there are words that refer to a place or direction.
THERE There is a computer store on Fox Hill Avenue. The science textbooks are over there on the floor. There are many documents that are used in investigations. There is a computer store on Fox Hill Avenue. The science textbooks are over there on the floor. There are many documents that are used in investigations.
THEIR Use their when talking about something that belongs to more than one. T H E I R shows possession or ownership. The word “heir” is in their. My friends have lost their tickets. Their things were scattered across the room. Use their when talking about something that belongs to more than one. T H E I R shows possession or ownership. The word “heir” is in their. My friends have lost their tickets. Their things were scattered across the room.
THEY’RE They're is a contraction of the words they and are. Hurry up! They're closing the mall at 6 tonight! I'm glad that they're so nice to new students here. They're is a contraction of the words they and are. Hurry up! They're closing the mall at 6 tonight! I'm glad that they're so nice to new students here.
. ______ are no excuses this time, Buddy! There Their They're . ______ are no excuses this time, Buddy! There Their They're
I can't imagine where __________ going after the movie. there their they're I can't imagine where __________ going after the movie. there their they're
It's ________ car, so let them decide where we're going. there their they're It's ________ car, so let them decide where we're going. there their they're
Wherever ________ are two or more firefighters in the same room, you know what they'll be talking about. there their they're Wherever ________ are two or more firefighters in the same room, you know what they'll be talking about. there their they're
Using To, Two,and Too You just have to be careful!!!!
TO is used to identify location. For example; I went to the store. My family went to the beach. Marcus wrote a letter to kim. is used to identify location. For example; I went to the store. My family went to the beach. Marcus wrote a letter to kim.
Two, 2 is used as a number: I have two sisters. My lunch cost two dollars. The teacher has two new students. is used as a number: I have two sisters. My lunch cost two dollars. The teacher has two new students.
TOO Is used to place emphasis or to show to what degree. For example: You are too tired to play. That piece of cake is too big. William is too fast on the track. Is used to place emphasis or to show to what degree. For example: You are too tired to play. That piece of cake is too big. William is too fast on the track.
TOO (part TWO) Can also be used to replace the word also. If you can use also in the sentence, you can use too. I want to go also. OR I want to go too. Can also be used to replace the word also. If you can use also in the sentence, you can use too. I want to go also. OR I want to go too.
You try it! Grammar is (too, to) difficult. Corena has (two, too) pets. I am excited for summer (to, too). Telling the difference between to, two and too is (two, too) easy! Can you make sure our lunch table is behaving well (too, to)? Grammar is (too, to) difficult. Corena has (two, too) pets. I am excited for summer (to, too). Telling the difference between to, two and too is (two, too) easy! Can you make sure our lunch table is behaving well (too, to)?
It's vs. Its If you're confused by these two little words, you‘re not alone. This mini-lesson should help you sort out the difference. If you're confused by these two little words, you‘re not alone. This mini-lesson should help you sort out the difference.
It’s vs. Its It's is a contraction for it is or it has. Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, more or less, of it or belonging to it. And there is absolutely, positively, no such word as its'. It's is a contraction for it is or it has. Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, more or less, of it or belonging to it. And there is absolutely, positively, no such word as its'.
It’s - Contraction A simple test If you can replace it's in your sentence with it is or it has, then your word is it's; otherwise, your word is its. Examples It's been good to know you. Contraction: it has It's a bird! It's a plane! Contraction: it is A simple test If you can replace it's in your sentence with it is or it has, then your word is it's; otherwise, your word is its. Examples It's been good to know you. Contraction: it has It's a bird! It's a plane! Contraction: it is
Its - possessive Another test Its is the neuter version of his and her. Try plugging her into your sentence where you think its belongs. If the sentence still works grammatically (if not logically) then your word is indeed its. The dodo bird is known for its inability to fly. Possessive pronoun: its inability = the dodo bird's inability Another test Its is the neuter version of his and her. Try plugging her into your sentence where you think its belongs. If the sentence still works grammatically (if not logically) then your word is indeed its. The dodo bird is known for its inability to fly. Possessive pronoun: its inability = the dodo bird's inability
It’s vs. Its- It’s easy… You try it- Write 2 original sentences using it’s and its!! You try it- Write 2 original sentences using it’s and its!!