SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1Canada Day Job Search Centre Closed How to Edit & your Cover Letter & Resume 9:30 am – 12 pm 6 Y.E.S. Group: Cover Letter & Résumé Writing/Critiquing 1 – 3:30 pm 7 Part 2 Mock Interviews (appointment only) 9 am -12 pm Commercial Safety College - 2pm Launch to Employment 9:30 am – 12 pm 13 Y.E.S. Group: Job Searching & Networking 1 – 3:30 pm 14 Anxiety & Stress Management 9:30 am -12 pm Part 1 Interview Survival Skills 9:30 am – 12 pm 20 Y.E.S. Group: Preparing for Interviews 1 – 3:30 pm 21 Networking: Accessing the “Hidden Job Market” 9:30 am – 12 pm Part 2 Mock Interviews (appointment only) 9 am – 12 pm 27 Y.E.S. Group: First Impressions & Selling Yourself 1 – 3:30 pm 28 Launch to Employment 9:30 am – 12 pm All workshops are FREE! Coffee, tea and snacks are provided. Please register with a staff member in advance. Contact us at (902) or
Mock Interviews (By Appointment Only): Are you a “hand-talker”? Do you tend to fidget? Do you start off every other sentence with “umm”? Find out how to improve your interview skills first hand by attending this workshop! You will be videotaped while answering typical interview questions, and then get to watch the video back. Coaching and feedback is provided before and after to help improve interview effectiveness. Anxiety & Stress Management Participants who attend will learn some basic information about stress & anxiety and will leave with a variety of techniques to manage. Managing stress & anxiety while searching for work is imperative in maintaining good mental health. How to Edit & your Cover Letter and Resume Did you see the perfect job posting on the weekend and unable to apply because you didn’t have the skills to or edit your resume accordingly? This workshop will show you how to make some minor changes to your resume with some hands on practice. Launch to Employment! You've aced the interview and landed the position… but getting the job is only half the battle! “Job Maintenance” refers to the ability to keep a job once it is obtained. Although there may be various environmental factors involved in keeping a job, you will be guided to ensure that you have the personal and workplace skills to move through problems that may arise where you work. Networking: Accessing The “Hidden Job Market”: This workshop will assist you in building a network of possible contacts, references and employers by learning how to conduct a job search “behind the scenes”. Y.E.S. Group (Youth Employment Support Group) A FREE opportunity for YOUTH to receive support for cover letter & résumé writing, job searching, how to prepare for an interview, & more! Each week has a different topic that will be discussed. There will be a variety of FREE resources that can help you find your next job, & your future career! Call us to register! Follow Futureworx on Social Media!Contact us at (902) or Interview Survival Skills Are you missing the WOW factor when being interviewed? This workshop provides information, ideas, and tools to prepare clients for various types of job interviews. Tips on how to effectively prepare for all of the important questions you need to succeed and leave the employer saying "WOW, we found our candidate!“