A Commentary of WALL STREET 2: Money Never Sleep
I. Issue - What is Bailout policy ? - What is Bailout policy ? II. Finding - a problem of Bailout policy in the film III. Argumentation - Meaning “Three Animals of Wall St.” within CSR IV. Reasoning - Constructive Ambiguity of Bailout policy under the provisions V. Commentary & Conclusion
“Rescue” Basically, it means “Rescue” of entities.
A problem is that above. “survive”“greed for capitals” Whether the policy is a mere saving for “survive” or deferring “greed for capitals”
I. Issue - What is Bailout policy ? II. Finding - a problem of Bailout policy in the film - a problem of Bailout policy in the film III. Argumentation - Meaning “Three Animals of Wall St.” within CSR IV. Reasoning - Constructive Ambiguity of Bailout policy under the provisions V. Commentary & Conclusion
I. Issue - What is Bailout policy ? II. Finding - a problem of Bailout policy in the film III. Argumentation - Meaning “Three Animals of Wall St.” within CSR - Meaning “Three Animals of Wall St.” within CSR IV. Reasoning - Constructive Ambiguity of Bailout policy under the provisions V. Commentary & Conclusion
At Wall St., Investment has the three characters hereof. but Pigs make for slaughter In the film, Mr. Gekko says “Bulls make the money, Bears make the money, but Pigs make for slaughter”. Meaning of three animals of Wall St. animals within CSR Constructive Speculative Greed “Cool or Bad” “Good”
“Constructive ideas” Principles of finance system mean “Constructive ideas” “Entities should purse the investment, where a great deal of effort goes into some public sectors with developmental economy” “Entities should purse the investment, where a great deal of effort goes into some public sectors with developmental economy” (e.g. Energy, Health, Technology, IT, Science, Production, Resources…etc.) Meaning of three animals of Wall St. animals within CSR
“Bailout policy” If Bull struggles with starvation in the down market, “Bailout policy” should be exercised to save the market. However…. Meaning of three animals of Wall St. animals within CSR
“some pigs” Actually, greed may be inevitable under capitalism, unless otherwise finance system has been activated by “some pigs” Meaning of three animals of Wall St. animals within CSR
“Constructive Ambiguity” With respect to their greed, Bailout policy becomes “Constructive Ambiguity” with CSR. Meaning of three animals of Wall St. animals within CSR ?“Ambiguity”
I. Issue - What is Bailout policy ? II. Finding - a problem of Bailout policy in the film III. Argumentation - Meaning “Three Animals of Wall St.” within CSR IV. Reasoning - Constructive Ambiguity of Bailout policy under the provisions - Constructive Ambiguity of Bailout policy under the provisions V. Commentary & Conclusion
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 bailout of the U.S. finance system Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, commonly referred to as a bailout of the U.S. finance system, is a law enacted in response to the subprime mortgage crisis of US$700 billion It authorizes the US Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to US$700 billion to purchase distressed assets - Art.115(a)(3) Constructive ambiguity of bailout policy under the provisions
where the money the taxpayer paid have gone? However, IBs got some money through bailout, where the money the taxpayer paid have gone? Constructive ambiguity of bailout policy under the provisions troubled asset relief program (TARP) Art.116 rules the $700 billion troubled asset relief program (TARP) to purchase failing bank assets. both foreign and domestic banks are included in the program Especially mortgage-backed securities, and make capital injections into banks, both foreign and domestic banks are included in the program during the global financial crisis of 2008.
Constructive ambiguity of bailout policy under the provisions A moral evaluation A moral evaluation, the taxpayers can merely expect it. “none-regulation rules” Because there are “none-regulation rules” under the Act, without the provision of government’s audits.
Constructive ambiguity of bailout policy under the provisions a reversal of the policy of host and guest In status quo, a reversal of the policy of host and guest within CSR regardless of taxpayers The government has recently protected Wall St. under the provisions, regardless of taxpayers who lost their house thanks to the financial crisis.
I. Issue - What is Bailout policy ? II. Finding - a problem of Bailout policy in the film III. Argumentation - Meaning “Three Animals of Wall St.” within CSR IV. Reasoning - Constructive Ambiguity of Bailout policy under the provisions V. Commentary & Conclusion
Cons the plan was vital to prevent further erosion of confidence in the U.S. credit marketsthe market intervention called for by the plan was vital to prevent further erosion of confidence in the U.S. credit markets and that failure to act could lead to an economic depression. The Dangers of Free market’s volatilityThe Dangers of Free market’s volatility Pros Any better alternatives were not considered, "sweetening"Any better alternatives were not considered, and that the Senate forced passage of the unpopular version through the opposing house by "sweetening" the bailout package. The Dangers of Socialist bureaucracyThe Dangers of Socialist bureaucracy
“the treaty of EU’s bailout funds (European Financial Stability Mechanism, May 2010)” “Unconstitutional treaty”. In context, should “the treaty of EU’s bailout funds (European Financial Stability Mechanism, May 2010)” be enacted against Greece’s crisis, German Constitutional Court has already opened the door of possibility, “Unconstitutional treaty”. (the Karlsruhe, 7 Sep 2011) (2)Moral hazard Now, Justices halt legislation of the bailout law, due to the EFSM’s deployment of German taxpayer money limiting the fundamental principle of democracy. Not only that, the fundamental right of property has a negative impacts: (1)Inflationary tendencies; (2)Moral hazard; (3)Violation of the EU treaty preposterous
But we need it With respect to CSR, bailout would become table money in finance system under the governance without CSR. But we need it “At least, the executive pays to defer compensations as bailout must be prohibited.” preposterous
Do not take any questions for your hopeful presentations(!) The End Note The Karlsruhe Factor, Open europe briefing note, 5 Sep 2011: German Constitutional Court Press release, ‘Mündliche Verhandlung in Sachen „Griechenland-Hilfe / Euro-Rettungsschirm“’, 9 June 2011: German Constitutional Court press release, ‘Act Approving the Treaty of Lisbon compatible with the Basic Law’, 30 June 2009, available at: Etc. Google & Wikidipia searching the terms, the news, and the images