Digital Citizenship 7 th Grade
Goal 2: Engage learners through the use of technological tools to access, create and share content as well as collaborate with other learners throughout the world. Specific Results: 2. Seamlessly integrate digital citizenship across the curriculum so that all stakeholders collaborate in an atmosphere of respect, integrity, sharing, trust, and service.
Timeline: The schoolboard asked for documentation showing that all 4 th grade students have completed digital citizenship curriculum The leadership team decided that the next 2 grades to implement digital citizenship curriculum would be 5 th grade and 7 th grade.
LISD Technology Plan Summary (July 2016) Students become future ready through authentic and engaging learning experiences based on the content area TEKS and the Technology Application TEKS.TEKS The Technology Application TEKS for Grades 6-8 require that:TEKS Students make informed decisions by understanding current and emerging technologies, including technology systems, appropriate digital tools, and personal learning networks. Students learn to be competent researchers and responsible digital citizens, and use creative and computational thinking to solve problems while developing career and college readiness skills.
What is new ? 5 th Grade has been added in elementary 7 th Grade has been added to Middle School Updated 4 th grade lessons based on campus feedback Digital Literacy resources have been added Updated AUP ePortfolio submission is an option (this year only) Principal’s documentation form due Dec. 16 th
Technology Application TEKS Digital citizenship. The student practices safe, responsible, legal, and ethical behavior while using technology tools and resources. The student is expected to: (A) understand copyright principles, including current laws, fair use guidelines, creative commons, open source, and public domain; (B) practice ethical acquisition of information and standard methods for citing sources; (C) practice safe and appropriate online behavior, personal security guidelines, digital identity, digital etiquette, and acceptable use of technology; and (D) understand the negative impact of inappropriate technology use, including online bullying and harassment, hacking, intentional virus setting, invasion of privacy, and piracy such as software, music, video, and other media. Research and information fluency. The student acquires, analyzes, and manages content from digital resources. The student is expected to: (A) create a research plan to guide inquiry; (B) discuss and use various search strategies, including keyword(s) and Boolean operators; (C) select and evaluate various types of digital resources for accuracy and validity; and (D) process data and communicate results.
Overview of Navigation An elementary district librarian made the Digital Driver’s License course for her campus. We included it as a disciplinary option last year. If you want a copy for your campus Forms will need to be recreated so you may gather the data. Fee; free to customize the course to fit your campus needs.
Overview of Navigation for 4 th Grade Digital Literacy Resources 4 th Grade Changes: This year all supporting printable materials (English and Spanish) are located in the Google Site. Digital Literacy Resources
Access Sites
Who will teach this? (Principal’s choice) Classroom Teachers Library Media Specialist Tech Apps Teacher
Documentation Grade 7 The instructor will document all students have completed an assignment that is aligned to each of the Digital Citizenship TEKS. –Multiple lesson options are available in each unit of study. –The instructor may choose the option they feel will work best for their student population. –Instructors may modify lessons to address student learning needs. –The campus may set the passing grade for the materials. In the school year campuses have the option to use the ePortfolio system. Students create a learning artifact that they place in their ePortfolio. (This is in conjunction with the lessons in this course, not in lieu of them.) The principal will complete a Google form acknowledging all 7th grade students have successfully completed the content in this course. A form will be sent to you. It must be completed on or before Dec. 16th.
Quick tips for Administrators Model– add link for photos in presentations, ask before taking/posting pics of kids Teach vocab– use BrightBytes terminology cite online info, share personal info, act respectably, respond to online bullying, responsible use onlineBrightBytes Communicate expectations for dig cit to staff (we are happy to present to your team)