The Augustinian theodicy explains the existence of evil and a theist in the world. The Irenaean theodicy explains the existence of imperfections and a theist God in the world
We are born imperfect and raw like babies and God expects us to grow and face the challenges of evil. When we are allowed to grow, we can form a close bond to God. Free will is important to allow children to learn from their mistakes and understand WHY good choices need to be made.
The Irenaean theodicy can explain this. Natural disasters allow us to how courage and compassion for one another and creates tribulations for us to work through. They are reminders of the power of God and our place on earth.
God must remain hidden if we are to truly learn from our life experiences. Epistemic distance) If a baby dies and God helps us through this true suffering (or even prevents it from happening) then he is not really putting us through tribulations and we therefore cannot be truly autonomous
Problems arise when we think about our learning experience. A good teacher tells us the where we are going in life and how best to get there. Our lives to do seem that straight forward. People can be vitreous but still struggle in life. (This life anyway)
So it makes sense for us to learn and grow but could He not limit the amount of suffering that we have to go through. There are constant genocides, floods, droughts and misery
It is our fault that these natural disasters happen. We do not help the poor move into safer regions and we are ruining the world with pollution. “Nothing can save us from ourselves” Sartre We need to be more mature and stop looking for excuses and a quick answer.
Posh phrase for afterlife. Both theodicies rely on the existence of an afterlife to compensate for the suffering and imperfections in this one. The design of this world rests on the speculation of an unknown after world. Rationally/empirically unsatisfactory.
It poses questions like: What form does the body come back as? What is a soul? What part of my life will I remember Ayer: There is no factual basis for our belief in the afterlife.
Is this world really so bad after all?
Is doing evil alright if it achieves good?