THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan The Challenge – Why do ___ things happen to ____ people? bad Job was like most of us and he was looking for answers in the midst of his suffering. — Job questions God Why didn’t I die at birth? (Job 3:1-3) I wish God would just get this over with (Job 6:9) How do I ask God what He is doing? (Job 9:12) Who tells God what to do? (Job 23:13) “Where is God in all of this?” (Job 23:3) good
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan The Challenge – Why do bad things happen to good people? — Friends’ false assumptions His friends believed that Job was suffering because God punishes sin, so it is logical that Job had done something wrong and the punishment was deserved. If we have a proper relationship with God, everything we experience comes together for good.
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan Why is there ________? — It is true we may experience those painful times because God is dealing with sin in our life. suffering A consequence of ___ (Galatians 6:7, 8) sin — This is often referred to as the principle of sowing and reaping.
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan Why is there suffering? — It is true that discipline is uncomfortable or even painful, but the results are for our benefit. A means of ______ correction (Proverbs 3:11, 12) loving
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan Why is there suffering? — God might allow suffering in our life is so that He can test or prove us. God’s ____ (James 1:2-4) test — This type of suffering usually is to help us grow spiritually and helps us depend on God more.
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan Why is there suffering? — There are times when suffering reveals to you or someone else God and His power. A godly ________ to others (Job 1:8) example — How a person goes through suffering is observed by others and can reveal faith and dependence on God.
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan God _______ Job — God does not answer Job’s questions with statements but responds by asking lots of rhetorical questions; questions that only God can answer. answers God ________ to Job questions (Job 13:22 and Job 38:1) responds
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan God answers Job — Nature and creation help us to begin to understand just how big and awesome God is. God answers using ______ to demonstrate His power. nature Job 38:4 – Where were you when I created the earth? Job 38:35 – Can you send out lightning and tell it where to go? Job 38:41 – Who provides food for the ravens? Job 39:27 – Do you command the eagle to soar and to nest high?
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan God answers Job — Job doesn’t know how to respond after God answers him because he is humbled and has fresh understanding of the awesome power of God. God answers using nature to demonstrate His power. — When we start to see God as He is, we shrink and our problems shrink to their rightful place and then we trust this awesome God who never has a bad plan.
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan The Connection When you can’t figure out the “why” of a trial, trust the fact that God does have a purpose and that he wants to use it in your life to make your view of Him bigger. When we do face those difficult times, it would be good if we think about these questions: — Is this a consequence of sin? — Is there something God is lovingly trying to correct? — Am I being tested? — Can I be a Godly example to others?
THE TRUTH: Never a Bad Plan The Connection Each person must determine how they will respond.
STICKY STATEMENT God never has a bad plan.