Welcome to First Grade! Make sure to sign in! Find your child’s seat and read the note they left for you. Please write him/her a short note on the back for your child.
Introductions Carol Morris (Lead Teacher) Denise Shriver (Support Teacher
Parents and Teachers
Communication Write notes and place in your child’s briefcase Phone: ext Jupiter First grade website:
General Procedures Arrival: Students are marked tardy if they arrive after 8:05. Please check your child in at the office. Dismissal: When picking your child up early sign them out at the office. Please notify me of changes in transportation. Please call the office if the change in transportation occurs after 12:00. (I may not see the ).
General Procedures Cont. Enrichment: If your child normally attends enrichment and you plan to pick your child up at 12:00, please sign out in the office. Please notify both the homeroom and enrichment teachers when your child will be absent on Wednesdays. Planned Absences: Please notify me in advance to prepare make up work.
General Procedures Cont. Lunch: The cost of lunch is $3. If you send lunch money to school please place it in your child’s briefcase and make sure it is in an envelope/ziploc labeled with your child’s name, teacher, and “lunch.” You can also make a payment from the school website via papal. Medicine: All medicine should be given to the nurse directly. Please do not send it with your child.
General Procedures Cont. Snack: Please visit our class website to sign up for a week. Water Bottles: Please label and send daily! Please only send water.
Sigsbee Behavior Philosophy Everyone in our school environment will treat each other with respect and dignity at all times. Logical consequences should directly relate to the rule that was broken, though the consequences do not have to be the same each time. Changes in thinking and behavior take time. The goal of this approach is to have students move toward acting responsibly more than acting obediently.
Wheel of Choice
Second Steps Second Step skills help students: Listen and pay attention Manage their own behavior and emotions Solve problems Get along better with others
Conch Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00-8:10Meeting/Calendar 8:10-9:10Math Science lab 9:10-10:00Music *Word study/ Shared writing Science labReadingMath 10:00-10:10Snack/Read aloud 10:10-11:10Writing PE 11:10-12:00Word study/ Shared writing LibraryReadingArt *Writing 12:00-1:00Lunch/recess 1:00-2:00Reading 2:00-2:50P.E. 2:45-3:00Jobs/pack up
Balanced Literacy Reading Workshop Students will: read everyday by themselves, with partners, and/or in small groups practice reading aloud learn strategies to problem solve while reading learn and practice comprehension strategies (visualizing, making connections, determining importance, making inferences, asking questions) learn how to retell stories, compare stories, and connect to stories
Balanced Literacy Reading Units of Study Readers Build Good Habits (choosing just right books, previewing, predicting, visualizing) Tackling Trouble (word solving, retelling, self monitoring) Readers Meet Characters (making connections, inferring, point of view) Informational Readers Learn about the World (determining importance, asking questions) Reading Persuasive Text Poetry
Balanced Literacy Writing Workshop Students will: write independently every day study real writing write across a variety of genres learn strategies to spell words learn how to organize writing to include beginning, middle, and end
Balanced Literacy Writing Units of Study Launching Writer's Workshop Personal Narratives Punctuation Study Informational Writing (how to, all about, research) Craft of revision Poetry Persuasive Writing
Math at a Glance Counting and Writing Numbers up to 120 Place Value Addition and Subtraction Strategies Comparing 2 Digit Numbers Time (to the nearest half hour) Graphing 2 Digit Addition and Subtraction of multiples of ten Compose and Decompose 2D and 3D shapes Fractions (halves, quarters) Money up to one dollar Using a ruler to measure to the nearest inch
Mathematical Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated
Science Inquiry Study of the Universe Astronomy Night (October 6) Study of the Earth Study of the Sea
Homework At least 20 minutes daily reading Writing about Reading- Due each Tuesday Optional math packet
Progress Reports and Conferences October-Conferences January-Report Card March/April-Conferences June-Report Card
How to Help at Home Encourage and foster independence Encourage risk taking, use trial and error learning Encourage your child to make observations and predictions Encourage your child to be a problem solver Help your child become resourceful and to make good choices Practice respect, responsibility and resilience!
Volunteering Cafeteria: Library: Mentor Reading: me if interested in reading with individual students outside our classroom Sign up on our website: Mystery Reader Mystery Reader Wish List Wish List Snack Snack
Reading Celebration In Reader’s Workshop, we are currently working on setting goals and building our reading stamina! Once we reach our 30 minute goal, I will send out an inviting all of our Conch families to the classroom to celebrate our success! We can all enjoy some time eating healthy treats and reading with our children!
Thank you for coming