Vocaroo.com Using Vocaroo to Engage Learners
What is Vocaroo?
Easy and Free! Simple to use web-based voice recorder. Just go to Voila! It appears!
How can Vocaroo be used to engage students? Record a book. Record a speech or song. Identify or define terms. Describe a picture or event. Use for formative or summative assessments. Use as a tool for collaboration.
Training Video on Vocaroo (You may need to double-click in black box)
Saving your Recording as a QR Code. Click here!
A QR code will be generated, that when scanned with a QR Code Reader, will play your recording. Quick Response QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached.
QR Code Readers for Student Devices There are a number of good QR Code Readers. For students, this one seems to work well on their devices, although there are others. QR Code Generator You may have another favorite that works well on student devices.
Very Important! BEFORE installing QR Code Reader, make certain camera is working. Click on Camera App. Keep finger on App(touch screen) or right click on it and select “Pin to Start”. That will allow for quick and easy access to camera. (You can pin other App, as well!) If camera screen is dark, restart the computer. THEN install QR Reader. Check to see that it is working. If does not work, restart the computer before continuing.
How will YOU use Vocaroo? Create voice recordings of books. Put the QR code of the recording on the inside cover of the book. An emerging reader can read along. Use as a motivational reward to allow students to record themselves reading a favorite passage or book. Label parts of the Solar System with QR code explanations instead of long written descriptions. Students can record themselves reading and share it with their parents. Students can record themselves reading for homework, save it on their computer, and play it for the teacher. They can also the recordings to their teacher.
How will YOU use Vocaroo? - continued Use to embed a recording in a Google Earth map. Record a welcome message for your web page. ESL students can record themselves to hear their own pronunciations. Use as a tool for increasing fluency. Let students COLLABORATE to CREATE ways of learning new information. Send a voice message home in an to parents. Students can record themselves reading for homework, save it on their computer, and play it for the teacher.
And the list goes on… Give verbal feedback instead of written feedback. (Formative) Let students work in groups to record information for projects. Have students give peer reviews. Make an audio diary. The teacher can leave an encouraging message for students when she/he is absent. Make-up work can be left for a student in a recording. Record Multiplication facts.
How Long are Messages Saved on Vocaroo? Vocaroo does not provide permanent storage; there are simply too many messages recorded for this to be possible. There is not a definite age at which messages are deleted, however it is likely messages will expire after a few months. If a message is important you should download and save it to your own computer as soon as possible to avoid losing it.
Additional Links Three Classroom Uses for Vocaroo – web article by Avra Robinson YouTube Link to Video Tutorial Campus Library (scrubbed) link to Video Tutorial –this link can be played on student devices. TeachersFirst Review-Vocaroo The Paperless Trail by EduAppsAndMore
Thank you for learning! Created by Susan Keeter Read – September 2016 Digital Learning Coach – Montgomery County Schools Troy Elementary School Green Ridge Elementary School I welcome your feedback!