Putting those offending Cell Phones to work
Multi-Tasking hurts concentration and learning Wood E., Zivcakova L., Gentile P., Archer K., De Pasquale D., Nosko A (2012). Computers & Education, 58, Examined the impact of off-tasking multi-tasking with technology on real-time classroom learning and found that ing, MSN messaging, and Facebook use via computer were associated with lower scores on follow-up tests compared with students who did not multitask.
Innovations in teaching
How to involve students with cell phones? Take roll by giving the students key words they have to type into a discussion board in the beginning of class. Study Blue – study cards Use a qr code to direct the students to a website. Qr readers are free at the App store. Take a poll Easypolls.net Poll Daddy Obsurvey Micropoll
Moodle Roll Set up a discussion board with the day’s date Give students a key word They type it in using their phones You have a record of their attendance. Having it done at a specific time insures the student is in class. YouTube video
Study Blue Go to Set up study cards Test students or let them test themselves Their s must be entered in.
Download qr code reader Go to App store or ITunes and download for free
Philosophy 1000
Creating a qr link Copy url link. Enter it into the content. Download the qrcode. Copy it to your Powerpoint presentation.
QR code for You Tube video
Use a qr code to do a poll
Another poll