Welcome to Mrs. Leatham’s Class. 1:45-2:45 Tuesday’s and Thursday’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Mrs. Leatham’s Class

1:45-2:45 Tuesday’s and Thursday’s

P.A.W.S Folder They will come home every night Money pouch Please sign the behavior calendar daily Newsletter Homework Schedule C.A.M.P Schedule

Birthdays No homemade desserts or snacks, must be store bought. Half birthday celebrations

Homework Students will have homework daily. Homework will be issued on Fridays and due on the following Friday Weekly Homework includes….. Spelling: Students will need to practice spelling words daily. Reading: Students at Castleman Creek are required to read 75 minutes every week. Math: Students will have 2 pages of math, set at your own pace. ** Poetry folders will be brought home every Friday and brought back to school on Mondays.

Home Learning - It should take no more than 25 minutes. You may need to set a timer for your child or give play time beforestarting. - All homework is an extension of class work and should be completed relative ly independently. Please let us know if your child is having difficulty with anyhomework. - 90% of any home activity, including small projects, should be completed by the child. - Any corrections to assignments can be made by the student on the homework sheet as necessary. Assessments… Student work and samples will be used daily to help us guide our teaching and make instructional decisions. These will be checked but notalways used for formal grading purposes. These work samples reflect skills and strategies we are working on in class. Graded papers will be sent home in the PAWS folder. Report Card Info: To find out more information about standards-based reporting in Midway ISD, please scan the QR code or follow this link:

Discipline Policy & Procedures Your child’s education and success is very important to me. My goal is to help teach your child to make the right decisions and use good judgement in their actions. I will guide them to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviors. Being responsible and following directions is a large part of our daily routine. If a student breaks a rule, I will ask them what behavior they exhibited, what they were supposed to do, what plan they have to change their behavior, and what they will do differently next time. I believe these discussions about behavior aid each of my students to evaluate and solve their own behavior issues and become responsible citizens at Castleman Creek Elementary. Rules #1: Follow Directions: Quickly, Cheerfully, and Completely #2: Show Respect: with your Words, your Actions, and your Attitude #3: Have Grit, Don’t Quit #4: Make Smart Choices

Math Key essentials for the year Addition and subtraction facts Time Measurement Graphing Place Value Money

Language Arts Phonics Words Study: -Each week the class will learn a new spelling pattern. -Please feel free to practice this spelling pattern at home during the week. -An actual list will not come home, but the spelling pattern rule will be in my weekly . -Each week your child will need to learn how to spell and read two sight words. By the end of the year, your child is responsible for spelling and reading the first 100 sight words. -Tests will be every Friday. Grammar: - Grammar is incorporated and reinforced in Writer’s Workshop.


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