SNS School Strategy Managers’ Meeting November 2007 Functional Skills Graham Sims Richard Perring Bekah Mardall.


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Presentation transcript:

SNS School Strategy Managers’ Meeting November 2007 Functional Skills Graham Sims Richard Perring Bekah Mardall

Session one: What is it? –Context of FS Session two: Do I need to panic? –The FS and relationship to new PoS Session three: What shape might it take? –What should it look like in school? Plenary: What is Devon doing? FS Briefing Contents

The landscape and functional skills What is it?

The vision - key documents Implementation Plan (Dec 2005) Education and Skills White Paper Feb 2005 The Leitch Report (Dec 2006)

14-19 reform Revision of GCSE and A level Strengthened core - functional skills Strengthened Key Stage 3 Age 16 no longer a fixed point New Diplomas Flexibility Personalisation

Curriculum changes QCA review: New PoS for KS3 and 4 in line with FS (Sept 2008) New KS3 framework and revised level descriptors and progression maps Materials and Training spring 2008 Key processes model aligned with FS L2 FS requirement for GCSE C

E-safety Part of new PoS SWGfL e-safety conferences –7/8/20/21 November 2007 – Childnet KnowITall – Diploma LinesFirst Introduction EngineeringSeptember 2008 Society, Health and Development IT Creative and Media Construction and the Built Environment Land-based and EnvironmentSeptember 2009 Manufacturing Hair and Beauty Business Administration and Finance Hospitality and Catering Public ServicesSeptember 2010 Sport and Leisure Retail Travel and Tourism

Diploma framework Part of new PoS Teaching and assessment vehicles GCSE maths, English, ICT containing functional skills units GCSEs, A levels, knowledge components from VRQs Skills development components from VRQs/NVQs Project assignment Generic Learning Functional skills, personal learning and thinking skills(PLTS) Principal Learning Sector related skills and knowledge, 50% practical skills used in workplace Additional Specialist Learning Range of additional options endorsed by employers Work Experience

Functional skills The term functional should be considered in the broad sense of providing candidates with the skills and abilities they need to take an active and responsible role in their communities, in their everyday life, workplace and in educational settings. Functional ICT requires learners to be able to use technology in ways that make them effective and involved as citizens and able to operate confidently in life and work in a wide range of contexts. Functional skills standards ICT, p.2

Update >Achievement of functional skills is to be assessed by a freestanding qualification taken alongside the relevant, existing GCSE. >It is the intention that a pass in the functional skills Level 2 will be a requirement for the awarding of the GCSE (English, mathematics and ICT) at grade C and above, when the revised GCSE qualifications are introduced in September >The relationship between the functional skills and the GCSE will be evaluated throughout the pilot phase >Functional skills standards are also being incorporated into the revised specifications for English, mathematics and ICT for introduction in 2010

Approaches 'although assessment of functional skills will be through a stand-alone test, at school level, that is the tip of a wider set of reforms that see functional skills incorporated into KS3 and KS4 programmes of study and more functional and applied approaches being reflected in "mainstream" English, maths and ICT GCSE. It is still the intention that from 2010, achieving level 2 functional skills will be necessary in order to achieve GCSE grades A*-C in those subjects.‘ – DCSF

Slide title Sub heading 28pt Arial This is just some text that I have typed here to fill the space in this section of the page. It will have to be replaced with relevant text at some point in the future. Lorem ipsom dolor et this is just some text that I have typed here to fill the space in this section of the page. It will have to be replaced with relevant text at some point in the future. Functional skills activityDate Trials of draft standards and consultation Autumn 2006 Three year certificated pilots of functional English, mathematics and ICT in range of contexts; - GCSE pilots and specifications September 2007 September 2009 All three functional skills piloted within first tranche of diplomas September 2008 Functional English, maths and ICT available nationally including in revised GCSEs September 2010

Functional Skills Three levels, replacing Key Skills,etc: –Entry Level 1,2,3 (Skills for Life) –Level 1 (NC L4) –Level 2 (NC L5/6 content) Three ‘aspects’ to each FS: –Use ICT systems –Find and select information –Develop, present and communicate information

Level differentiation Learners would be expected to solve problems that are essentially instructor/tutor led (Entry). Learners would be expected to solve problems that are essentially instructor/tutor guided, demonstrating the confidence to make informed choices and knowing when to seek guidance (Level 1). Learners would be expected to solve problems independently, demonstrating the capacity to complete activities effectively in order to overcome challenges and produce successful outcomes (Level 2).

Progression Complexity Familiarity Technical demand Independence

Do I need to panic? Introduction to the FS standards

What shape might it take? What questions might you be asked in school? Which issues might arise? –English –Maths –ICT

Issues for English?

Issues for Maths?

Issues for ICT? Core offer for ICT at KS4 –Vehicle for FS? –Certification match/breadth and options Curriculum time at KS4 Assessment –Awarding body options likely –Move from Key Skills portfolios to FS

What shape might it take? Is FS a cross-curricular issue? Is FS about revisiting past messages? Is FS a KS3 issue? Is FS an issue for Consortia?

Progression Complexity Familiarity Technical demand Independence

Assessment model QCA design principles: ‘application of skills for a purpose within a real life scenario’ task-based or a combination of tasks with test-style items (not all test!) Levels – any or one Coverage: all aspects (weighting in mark scheme) Range: only one FS! Assessment conditions: independent; supervised Duration: max. 5 hours

What is Devon doing? Consultancy support to 7 pilot centres FS Pilot training and networking –12 th December 2007 –29 th January 2008 DES website and newsletter Awarding Body training - ASDAN

Devon FS pilot centres Southbrook (Maths) Link Education (Maths, Eng and ICT ) Braunton (Maths) Holsworthy (Maths?, Eng and ICT) North Devon College (Maths, Eng and ICT) Lampard (Maths, Eng and ICT)

Pilot Assessment 12 Awarding Bodies!Awarding QCA approval October QCA Exemplification late October 2 assessment windows: Jan & June 2008 Management and Subject Guidance

Useful contacts and websites for information relating to the standards and to the pilothttp:// The DCSF website contains useful information about functional skillshttp:// queries to do with pilot contact QCA at: queries relating to the CPD training contact SNS at: