Energy and Sustainable Development in AOSIS Energy 101 UNGA - outcome Energy and Quality of Life Energy and Sustainable Development A New Energy Paradigm An Enlightened Future Scenario Going Forward
The Current Energy Paradigm and Sustainable Development Economic Dimension Social Dimension Ecological Dimension
Economic Dimension 1 Nature of economy –small population base/markets –high dependence on limited resources –limited diversification –very high energy cost (few exception) Difficulty in generating foreign exchange Eroding terms of trade and insecurity of access to traditional markets for exports
Economic Dimension BOTTOM LINE - Small economies like those is AOSIS are economically vulnerable and face a difficult future in finding a SD path. We will have to significantly change our thinking. Such thinking must have as its foundation the fragile nature of the resource base and not continuation of the colonial legacy.
Social Dimension 1 Energy Needs –Illumination –Heating and Cooling –Transportation –Water Supplies/Public Health Services –*Shaft Power –*Process Heat
Social Dimension 2 Bottom Line -- Limited access/availability either as a result of high cost reduces the accessibility of energy services (firewood) causes socil hardships with many knock-on effects - reduces quality of life eg. Education, female health.
Ecological Dimension Local –local air pollution –loss of bio-diversity –land degradation -- devegetation removal for firewood soil erosion --- loss of wetlands –loss of soil fertility (use of crop residues) Global –eighty five percent of Carbon emissions come from energy systems utilizing fossil. So solving the climate change dilemma require a different energy paradigm
A New Energy Paradigm “Sustainable Energy Services” Simply stated different horses for different courses. –Meeting the different energy services needs of society with different energy sources. –Efficient production and use of energy –Integrated with other economic sectors, not just as input
Tomorrow Island Sustainable Energy Strategy 1 Available Energy Resources –Solid waste (1000 tons per day) current use -- polluting fresh water resources and coastal zone. Energy value 30,000 btus per ton. –Sewage (20 million gallons per day) -- current use -- pollution of coastal zone and destruction of reefs, wetlands, and sea grass. –Agricultural and forestry residues (1.5 million tons) -- inefficient use for energy or burnt for disposal.
Tomorrow Island 2 Waste Heat from fossil fired Power stations and Industry - - no current use-- as energy source for production of desalinated water, depending on location scale and nature. Tropical Ocean -- largest solar energy collector on the planet -- used for waste disposal-- to become the principal source of electrical energy, potable water, and food production (protein).
Tomorrow Island 3 Conventional Renewables –Solar -- electricity(lighting, cooling), hot water,potable water, crop drying etc. –Hydro -- electricity(lighting, cooling, heating, shaft power), potable water, irrigation –Wind -- electricity, water pumping –Biomass --the second largest solar collector-- electrcity (lighting), process heat, household energy (cooking) -- New technology stove.
Tomorrow Island 4 Bottom Line -- maximum use of island resources with emphasis on renewables the foundation of sustainability. Maximum efficiency in production and use why waste -- transportation sector-- electric vehicles. “killing a number of birds with one stone”a very different economy with energy as a central component -- benefits
From Here to There Capacity Building Decision making for national development based on the principles of SD. ‘Real”collaboration among ourselves - contribution to the development and ownership of technologies (OTEC to tap the resources of our tropical oceans) Vision on the part of our leaders