Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Water-Efficiency for Hotels in Santa Monica Luis Suarez Water Programs Sustainable Works
Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Santa Monica’s Water Supply Depleting reservoir levels 86% of water is imported Traveling 400 miles Metropolitan Water District (86%) Private Water Agency City-Owned Groundwater Wells (12%) SMURRF (2%) Recycles Urban Runoff
Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Dry conditions = extreme fire danger Loss of crops Rural and urban economic loss Next year: uncertain supplies State Water Supply Challenges Decreasing Sierra Snow Pack 2008 Court Decisions ~30% Water reduction due to decreasing Salmon and Delta Smelt in Bay- Delta L.A. Aqueduct Reductions Drought Population increasing in Southern California
CA 3rd year of drought Colorado River 10 th year of drought Drought In Western U.S. Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion It will take more than one extremely wet winter for storage levels to recover - The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA)
Excessive Urban Runoff Excessive Water Waste Increasing Water Demand Contamination of Santa Monica’s Groundwater Wells Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Water Supply Problems Some Santa Monica City wells will not be usable for another 1 to 2 years – City of S.M. Office of Sustainability and Environment
Excessive energy and greenhouse gases to import water Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Water + Energy = Watergy 20% of California's energy is required to transport our water - California Energy Commission
Our Goals: Keep within our allocated amount especially during the summer months Eliminate water waste Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Water Shortage Response Plan
Santa Monica City Council declared an Advisory Level effective July 1, 2009 The City of Santa Monica is requesting that all water customers voluntarily reduce water use by 10% Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Stage 1 – 15% Reduction Stage 2 – 20% Reduction Stage 3 – 30% Reduction Stage 4 – 50% Reduction Advisory– 10% Reduction In Effect City-Wide Water Reduction Goals
Businesses will receive a water allowance based on their previous year’s water use. Stages 1- 4 require mandatory rationing through water allowances (budgets) Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Stage 1 – 95% Allowance Stage 2 – 90% Allowance Stage 3 – 85% Allowance Stage 4 – 80% Allowance Business Water Supply Allowance
Customers that have a dedicated landscape water meter will receive a water allowance based on their previous year’s water use. Stages 1- 4 require mandatory rationing through water allowances (budgets). Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Stage 1 – 85% Allowance Stage 2 – 80% Allowance Stage 3 – 70% Allowance Stage 4 – 50% Allowance Landscape Water Allowance
Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Restrooms Kitchen Landscaping Employee Education Customer Education Hotel Solutions
Upgrade urinals from 1.0 gal/flush to 0.5 gallons gal/flush or install waterless urinals Upgrade toilets from 1.6 gal/flush or greater to 1.28 gal/flush or less or dual flush Install low-flow aerators of 2.2 gal/min or less Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Restrooms Check with the City of Santa Monica for possible rebates or free products Flush Urinal Tank Type Faucet with aeratorFaucet High-Efficiency Urinal High-Efficiency Toilet
Kitchen Operate dishwasher only when completely loaded Install low-flow aerators of 2.5 gal/min for kitchens Adjust ice machines to produce only what is needed Use connectionless food steamer Upgrade to high velocity sprayers of 1.6 gal/minute Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Check with the City of Santa Monica for possible rebates or free products
Adjust sprinklers to prevent runoff Install rotating nozzles on all sprinkler spray heads Install drip irrigation – retrofit existing sprinklers to drip Set controller start time between 4 am - 5 am Upgrade to a weather based "Smart" irrigation controller Install a rain barrel or redirect downspouts to landscaping Rebates may be available Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Landscaping uses 40% of a property’s total water use. – City of S.M. Office of Sustainability and the Environment Landscaping
Reduce lawn to climate appropriate plants To reduce evaporation, apply mulch Use a broom to clean driveways and sidewalks Always send wastewater to landscaping or the sewer not the storm drain Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Landscaping Reduce water use 80% and reduce maintenance 40%, by installing water efficient irrigation and climate appropriate plants
Understand and review your water bill monthly for indications of leaks, spikes or other problems. Train staff to monitor and respond immediately to all leaks in your facility Use leak detecting tablets or food coloring to detect leaks in toilets Request a free water assessment from the City of Santa Monica Direct gardeners to the City’s free Landscape & Irrigation training Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion A leaking toilet can waste over 1,000 gallons of water per month. – City of S.M. Office of Sustainability and Environment Employee Education
Linen & Towel Cards: Save water from washing machines. Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Customer Education
Bathroom and Kitchen Mirror Clings: Post “Save Water Now” clings to mirror to promote water conservation Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Customer Education It takes 8 glasses of water to wash 1 glass – City of S.M. Office of Sustainability and the Environment
Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Resources For Free Business Greening Consultation: Sustainable Works Business Greening Program (310) ext. 2 (310) FAX For Qualified Rebate Products: Save A Buck Rebate Program For Landscape Grant and Landscape Information: Bay Saver Program
For more information about the water shortage and conservation tips, Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion City of Santa Monica Resources Water Resources Protection Programs: (310) Urban Runoff/Water Conservation: (310) Household Hazardous Waste Facility: (310) To report pollution - Pollution Prevention Hotline: (310) Food Service Container Ban: (310) Clean Bay Restaurant Certification: (310)
Keep Saving Santa Monica! Introduction Hotel Solutions Conclusion Water Is a Limited Resource