How did you celebrate Christmas?
Santa Clause стучит к нам в дверь: “Open, open поскорей!” Ему дети говорят: «Please, come in» Он очень рад.
Видит он a Christmas tree, И гирлянды, и шары. А на самом на верху Видит он a star – звезду. “Do you like it?” – “Yes, I do!
IT’S WINTER It’s December
“Merry Christmas” Christmas tree- ёлка decorate Christmas tree - украшать ёлку celebrate holiday - праздновать праздник invite friends - приглашать друзей buy gifts - покупать подарки send greetings cards - отправлять поздравительные открытки get - получать make a huge cake - делать огромный пирог wear funny costumes - носить костюмы give gifts- получать подарки a party - вечеринка
English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.
Christmas is a family holiday.
People give presents to their families and friends.
A Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas.
People decorate their houses.
Father Frost (Дед Мороз) Santa Claus (Санта Клаус)
Правила чтения буквы «с» C [s] [k] перед e,i,y во всех остальных случаях celebrate cat
Аудирование Would you like to know how Hugh and his family celebrate Christmas? Listen him. Pay attention to this words: decorate Christmas tree celebrate holiday invite friends buy gifts send greetings card make a huge cake give gifts have a party
Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch your nose Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch your nose. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch your toes. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Switch off the light. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Say “goodnight”. Teddy Bear song Запись 61 музыка 60песняЗапись
Do you like Christmas. We usually … Do you like Christmas? We usually …. decorate Christmas tree celebrate holiday invite friends buy gifts send greetings card make a huge cake give gifts have a party
Чтение текста Did Hugh like holiday? Why? Open your book on p. 55 ex. 2 Did Hugh like holiday? Why? Найдите в тексте предложения, дающие ответ на этот вопрос
You know I like Christmas You know I like Christmas. I want to tell you how we celebrated this holiday. We sent many greetings cards to our friends. Did you get our greetings cards? We decorated a beautiful Christmas tree and bought many gifts. My mother made a huge cake. She cooked a turkey. We invited our friends and had a merry party. We wore funny costumes. They were wonderful! We sang songs, danced to music and played games. At 12 we gave gifts. I liked the party very much.
Did you celebrate Christmas last year. We … Did you celebrate Christmas last year? We …. last year decorated Christmas tree celebrated holiday invited friends bought gifts sent greetings card made a huge cake gave gifts had a party
Did you celebrate New Year’ s party last year?
Заполните пропуски новыми словами Заполните пропуски новыми словами Заполнить пропуски новыми словами. Last year we celebrated the New Year at school. The New Year party was wonderful. We had the New Year tree. We got many gifts. The girls sent greetings cards to our friends. Our mothers made a huge cakes, it was tasty.
People sing songs.
Белый цвет – Скучно. Мне было не интересно Белый цвет – Скучно. Мне было не интересно. Красный цвет –Я боялся весь урок. Был в себе неуверен. Зеленый цвет – Я научился. Узнал много нового. Синий цвет – мне было легко. Я себя чувствовал хорошо. Желтый цвет – У меня все получилось.
I wish you a merry Christmas! Dear kids! I wish you a merry Christmas!