Chapter 19 PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS AND EVENTS Sections 1 and 2
SECTION 1 PEOPLE The Election of 1968 Richard Nixon – Represented “Middle American” and the “silent majority” – Promised peace in Vietnam – Used Southern Strategy Got the backing of Strom Thurmond Promised to appoint conservative judges, oppose court ordered busing and choose an appropriate VP Hubert Humphrey – Ran against Nixon in 1968 George Wallace – Remember him? – Ran against Nixon in 1968
SECTION 1 PEOPLE Presidential Policies Nixon – Enforced laws against demonstrators and draft dodgers – Appointed conservative judges that did not reverse Warren court rulings, but chose not to expand them – New Federalism Rejected idea the DC knew best Revenue sharing – intended to give states more power However, tried to get more power himself – Family Assistance Plan Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Tried to substitute it with the Family Assistance Plan that failed in the Senate
SECTION 1 EVENTS Nixon’s Foreign Policy Appointed Henry Kissinger as National Security Adviser – Both men believed that a gradual withdrawal of troops from Vietnam was the best solution – Believed in negotiation with Communists Détente – Relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China – Build relationships with main rivals in the interest of world peace
SECTION 1 PLACES Nixon’s Foreign Policy China – Nixon lifted trade and travel restrictions – Nixon visited China in 1972 after negotiations between Kissinger and Chinese officials – Nixon hoped that a good relationship with China meant a good relationship with the Soviet Union Soviet Union – American-Soviet summit May 1972 In Moscow Signed the FIRST Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT1) – Plan to limit nuclear arms – Also included increased trade and exchange scientific information
SECTION 2 EVENTS WATERGATE-Origins Originated because the Nixon administration attempted to cover up its involvement in the break-in at the DNC headquarters at the Watergate Hotel Nixon lost several elections in the past Nixon was distrusting of those around him Was worried about losing the 1972 election to George McGovern Had shaky approval ratings because of the Vietnam War
SECTION 2 EVENTS WATERGATE – The Scandal Nixon was so worried about losing the election, he began spying on the opposition June 17, 1972 – Five Nixon supporters broke into the Watergate to steal information from the DNC – Frank Wills (security guard) caught them because of four pieces of tape
SECTION 2 EVENTS WATERGATE – The Cover Up Reporters found out that the break-in occurred by someone paid by Nixon The administration destroyed evidence and provided false testimony Nixon went on television claiming to have nothing to do with the scandal Nixon went on television – As a result, he wins reelection
SECTION 2 PEOPLE WATERGATE – Scandal Unravels James McCord – Broke into Watergate – Forced to testify – Uncovered illegality of White House and campaign officials John Dean – Former White House counsel – Names Attorney General and Nixon himself as actively involved in Watergate
SECTION 2 THINGS WATERGATE TAPES Nixon ordered that his conversations be taped for his memoirs Nixon refused to let the tapes go to investigators citing executive privilege “Saturday Night Massacre” – Nixon attempted to fire the Attorney General and his deputy because they wanted the tapes
SECTION 2 PEOPLE WATERGATE – THE END Vice President Spiro Agnew RESIGNS – Took bribes Gerald Ford – Becomes VP under the 25 th Amendment allowing Nixon to choose a new VP – After Nixon resigns, becomes president Richard Nixon RESIGNS – About to be impeached (charged with presidential misconduct) – Tapes revealed that Nixon stopped investigation into Watergate six days after break-in
SECTION 2 FINAL SLIDE WATERGATE - IMPACT Prompted passage of new laws to limit the power of the executive branch Federal Campaign Act Amendments – Limited campaign contributions and established independent agency to administer stricter election laws Ethics in Government Act – Financial disclosure by high government officials in all three branches FBI Domestic Security Investigation Guidelines – Restricted the bureau’s political intelligence gathering activities