Tobacco Road Elementary Ny McRae Plan Review School Improvement
Our Vision at TRE is to become strong learners (academically, socially, And emotionally), and to become a Nationally recognized School of Excellence. The Mission of Tobacco Road Elementary School is to educate Students to become life long learners and productive citizens.
Georgia Milestones Data Georgia Milestones Percentage of students scoring Proficient or above in English Language Arts 12%10% Percentage of students scoring Proficient or above in Math 14%9% Percentage of students scoring Proficient or above in Science 7% Percentage of students scoring Proficient or above in Social Studies 4%6%
Least Restrictive Environment Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) % For this information, go to the GaDOE portal, click on Data Collection, FTE, choose the appropriate date, FTE Reports Menu, FT020, LRE – Primary Area 1 - % of students in class – if you have any trouble finding this information, please contact your Special Education representative.
Response to Intervention For this information, contact Dr. Sanderson’s office or Allison Campbell. RtI Rating: 7.5
Research Based Action Steps (from your School Improvement Plan) High Academic Achievement Action Steps Common planning time by grade level. Tuesdays and Thursdays are scheduled times for discussing data and PL with our Instructional Coach. Leadership Team meetings are held every Monday! Data Dig for targeted students and skill are held weekly. This will be done for all students grades k-5. ( During collaboration time, we are looking at our student data to plan classroom instruction, differentiate and interventions.) Additional information Data will be collected through Action Plans, Data Notebooks, and Lesson Plans. Progress monitoring checkpoints ( 3 weeks for RTI groups) All are scheduled for teachers. Green ( Monthly) Yellow ( Monthly) Red ( Bi- Weekly) Data notebooks are kept with this information. Additional information Leadership team is responsible for overseeing the process. This will be the Principal, Administrative Intern, Academic Support Specialist, and Leadership/ Data Team. Teachers bring their data notebooks to their collaborative planning meeting “EVERY” Tuesday and Thursday.
Reading and Math Readiness iReady Screen Information Percentage of students reading on grade level – 3 rd grade16% Percentage of students reading on grade level – 2 nd grade23%10% Percentage of students reading on grade level – 1 st grade23%5% Percentage of students reading on grade level – Kindergarten 31%13% Percentage of students performing on grade level in Math – 4 th grade 10%11% Percentage of students performing on grade level in Math – 3 rd grade 15%2% Percentage of students performing on grade level in Math – 2 nd grade 14%2% Percentage of students performing on grade level in Math – 1 st grade 23%5% Percentage of students performing on grade level in Math – Kindergarten 29%4%
Gifted 3% of our students are in the Gifted Program. Media Center Usage Circulation statistics for are 13,596 checkouts. Opportunities for Students EIP Pull out Computer Lab / Technology Music / Chorus PE Student Council Club for Gents Girls with Pearls Shining Stars – Students that are two levels behind meet with our Instructional Specialist for additional Interventions. ( 5 th grade) DEVELOPING “ Teachers as Mentors”. ( School Counselor)
Research Based Action Steps High Academic Achievement Initiative: Implement rigorous and relevant curriculum/ instructional strategies that will improve student achievement as measured by Georgia Milestones. Action Steps Our EIP and Literacy Para will be utilized to increase reading performance to increase lexiles and performance on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. Focused walks- Leadership/Data Team. We will use the checklist of “Look Fors" for Instructional Best Practices. Professional Learning is held every Tuesday with the Academic Support Specialist for guided support with “Best Practices”, Standards – Based Instruction, RCK12/Rubicon, Lesson Plans, etc. Common planning times for grade level collaborations. Progress Monitoring – tracking student progress Parent Workshops / Involvement ( Parent Meetings, Parent University, Parent Volunteers) Additional information Artifacts will include: Checklists, observation notes, feedback log, lesson plans, and data notebooks, progress reports, report cards and assessment data Additional information Individuals for overseeing this process will include: Principal, Administrative Intern, Academic Support Specialist, Leadership Team and Teachers
Attendance Total School Enrollment Percentage of Students Absent 6+ Days40%58%54% Every School Day Counts!
Discipline Number of discipline incidences Percentage of In-School Suspensions000 Percentage of Out-of-School Suspensions20.7%38.5%50.5% Number of Tribunal Hearings000 PBIS School? Yes / In -training
School Climate Number of stars for CCRPI School Climate rating: This will IMPROVE for sure!!! We are working HARD on discipline, student attendance and school climate perceptions
Research Based Action Steps (from your School Improvement Plan) Operational Effectiveness Action Steps Teachers Attendance Incentives and Celebrations Student Attendance Incentives and Celebrations Golden Star “Behavior” Awards – For classes with the lowest discipline referrals Parental Involvement / Building Rapport with the community Open Door policy for Parents Morning Meeting with Students ( 1 st 10 minutes of class to foster a positive learning environment) Additional information Artifacts will include attendance and discipline reports Parent Volunteer sign In Sheet Parent Surveys with feedback (Suggestion Box) Additional information The individuals responsible for overseeing will be: Principal, Administrative Intern, Data Clerk, Leadership Team and Classroom Teachers.
TKES Standards TKES Standards for – Percentage of teachers Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 1. Professional Knowledge Instructional Planning Instructional Strategies Differentiated Instruction Assessment Strategies Assessment Uses Positive Learning Environment Academically Challenging Environment Professionalism Communication 09829
Professional Learning Plan to Support School Improvement Professional Learning at Tobacco Road Best Practices and Instructional Strategies. Data –Driven Instruction Mindset De-escalation Training. SLDS Training Close Reading TKES Support Lesson Planning RCK12/ Rubicon i-Ready Achieve 3000 Lexiles / Quartiles Vertical Planning between the grade levels. Morning Meeting Support for Students Class Dojo Classroom Management Effective Collaborative Planning Effective Learning Strategies. (Parents) Infinite Campus, Parent Volunteer Training and School Council
Parental Involvement Family and Community Engagement Number of External Business/Community Partnerships na 1 Stevens Creek Church Number of Parent Training Workshopsna 3 (3) PV Training Number of Parent/Community Eventsna 1 Read- a- Thon (PV and Butler students) Number of Curriculum Nightsna 2 Curriculum Info Night GA Milestones Parent Session
Parental Involvement Plan 1 st Nine Weeks3 rd Nine Weeks Open HouseGA Milestones Workshop Parent NightScience Fair Grits for GrandparentsSchool Council Meeting Back to school danceParent Volunteer Training Attendance Celebration(pv)Attendance Celebration (pv)Student project presentationsField Trips (pv) Parent/Teacher conferences 2 nd Nine Weeks 4 th Nine Weeks Book FairMuffins for Moms Parent Volunteer TrainingSchool Council Meeting School Council MeetingParent Volunteer TrainingAttendance Celebration (pv) Father/Daughter danceDonuts for Dads Community Color Run Parent/Teacher conferences Parent/Teacher conferences Field Trips (pv) *pv- parent volunteers
Establishing a PTA Morning Show Prime Time ( AM and PM) DISTINGUISHED AWARD Student Council Math Team READ –A- THON Helen Ruffin Bowl Team Club for Gents / Girls with Pearls Parent and Grand Parent Volunteers Community Outreach ( Color Run) Teachers as Mentors Starbucks Partnership ( volunteer, staff and student incentives) Stevens Creek Partnership ( school supplies) National Park and Trust Grant ( Lifecycles) School Highlights