SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2016 First Grade Curriculum Night
Everything is AWESOME! Everything is COOL, when your part of the Chinook PTSA Team! What Membership IS: A sign of support for the students and teachers of Chinook Elementary. Being a part of a statewide network of volunteers, advocating for children's rights in education, and having the support of the PTA association. An opportunity to provide resources and funding for student needs like: Technology, Reading Support, Choir and Classroom Grants. Access to PTA sponsor discounts included, but not limited to: Fed Ex, Great Wolf Lodge, Joann's Fabrics, Silverwood Theme Park, and more! Check us out! Visit our website at Or LIKE us on Facebook “Chinook PTSA” Contact us! We love to hear from parents!! Renee Harrison-President Victoria Gettys- V.P. Jennifer Renfroe- Treasurer Stephanie Rauch- Secretary Become a Member! Membership forms have been included in your package tonight. Forms will also be sent home in your child's Friday Folders
Mrs. Annie DeKlyen Contact info: (best way!!) or leave me a phone message
Daily Schedule 8:20 Bell Rings 8:20-8:35 Organize, get ready for the day 8:30 School Begins 8:35-10:00 Literacy block 9:55-10:10Recess 10:10-10:25 Snack/read aloud 10:30-11:50 Writing/Arts block 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:40-1:45 Math 1:45-2:00 Optional Recess 2:00-2:40 Science, Social Studies, Thematic Study 2:40-2:50 Clean up/Daily News/Sharing 2:50 Dismissal Note: Monday- Art and P.E. Monday-Music Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Dance Thursday- Art Friday – Computer Lab/Library 1 hour early release 1:50
Literacy Block Wonders is a six unit program designed for flexible use with children of varied needs. Wonders is appropriate for beginning readers and children who are becoming fully fluent readers learning to write independent responses in relationship to what was read. Students progress through each five to six week unit at a pace appropriate to their individual development Wonders includes instruction and practice in … The alphabet, phonemic awareness, letter-sound relationships, blending, irregular words, multi-syllable words, fully decodable passage reading, integrated spelling, integrated writing and integrated handwriting. Weekly Spelling test starts early October. Word lists are sent home on Friday and test will be following Friday.
Writing Children will have numerous opportunities to practice writing in the classroom. This further reinforces what they have learned in shared and guided reading. They are using the skills of reading to produce writing (sounding out words, sight words, and reading what they have written). Examples of how writing is used in the classroom: Guided writing, Quick writes, Class Books, Journals My top priority as a first grade teacher is to install in your child a joy for learning. To keep anxiety levels low, I do not grade student work in the beginning of the Year. Please know that although I am not writing a grade, I am assessing all of their work and am collecting this data to share with you during conferences and on our report cards.
Ready Math This is our math curriculum. It is very intensive and highly interactive. As we roll out the program I will send home information on how you may access on-line.
Ready Math Scope and Sequence Aligned specifically to Common Core Numbers and Operations Algebraic Thinking Measurement and Data Geometry Reasoning/Problem Solving
Welcome to i-Ready®
Welcome to i-Ready This year, our school will be implementing i-Ready, an engaging online assessment and instruction program. i-Ready is web-based and will be accessed on our schools’ computers. 13
It all starts with an adaptive diagnostic i-Ready’s adaptive test identifies students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading and mathematics
An adaptive diagnostic automatically adjusts the difficulty of the questions according to each student’s ability levels The first question your child will see will be based on his/her chronological grade level. As your child proceeds through the test, items become more or less challenging, depending on how he answers each question. The test is designed to find exactly the level at which your child is performing both by domain (e.g., phonics) and at the sub-skill level (e.g., short “a” sound). 15 What is an adaptive diagnostic?
What does i-Ready® Diagnostic for Reading assess? The reading diagnostic assesses skills in the following areas, known as domains: – Phonological Awareness – Phonics – High-Frequency Words – Vocabulary – Comprehension: Literature – Comprehension: Informational Text 16
What does i-Ready® Diagnostic for Mathematics assess? The math diagnostic assesses skills in the following areas, known as domains: – Number and Operations – Measurement and Data – Algebra and Algebraic Thinking – Geometry 17
Once students finish the Diagnostic, the results are used to provide customized and differentiated instruction to meet their needs i-Ready will support your child whether he is below, on, or above grade level.
Housekeeping Homework: reading and math Classroom Management—We follow the 5 Chinook Guidelines Snack – small healthy snack. Water bottles ok. Lunch- please make sure your child knows their plan! Money, send in blue folder with your child’s name Communication Home and School – newsletters, website, Blue Chinook folders Entrance/exits outside door for am, meet by the deer after school Birthday treats- Please no edible food. Other suggestions are pencils, stickers, class book, etc. **Birthday books and hearts** To avoid hurt feelings, please, if you would like to send birthday invitations to be handed out at school please ask your child to hand them to me so that I can discreetly get them to students
Read-and-Lead: monthly reading calendar PTSA/Payback Books Box Tops/ Campbell’s Labels Field Trip: Pomeroy Farm, Permission slips coming home soon Volunteers: please plan to sign up at conferences, must be cleared through office Conference Dates –Wednesday 19th – Thursday 2oth Classroom website