1.Thanat Thamrongvisith M.2/2 No.3-Leader,Pseudo Code 2.Dhabhon Apibunyopas M.2/2 No.8-Powerpoint 3.Supawit Piyapanee M.2/2 No.13-Game Player,Video Recorder 4.Bordee Bumbudtuk M.2/2 No.21-Powerpoint 5.Suksit Thongsin M.2/2 No.23-Flowchart
Start 3limousine,1pink car,1purple car,2polce car,2orange car,1truck and 1red car What should we move first? Move left limousine to the front :true Move lower orange car to the right :false What should we move next ? Move the truck to the left :true Move the pink car to the right :false What should we move next ? Move middle limousine backwards :true Move the orange car to the right : false What should we move next ? Move right police car to the front : true Move the purple car to the front : false What is the last car we should move? Move red car to the right : true Move the middle limousine to the front : false Red car exit End
3limousine,1pink car,1purple car,2polce car,2orange car,1truck and 1red car What should we move first? Move left limousine to the front :true Move lower orange car to the right :false Start false
What should we move next ? Move the truck to the left :true Move the pink car to the right :false What should we move next ? false Move the orange car to the right : false false
What should we move next ? Move middle limousine backwards :true Move the orange car to the right : false What should we move next ? Move the purple car to the front : false false
Move right police car to the front : true What is the last car we should move? Move the middle limousine to the front : false Move red car to the right : true false
Red car exit End