Kesgrave High School Sixth Form Parent Information Evening Thursday September 22nd
Aims for this evening To advise parents of key dates in the Sixth Form calendar To explain the rights and responsibilities of Sixth Form students To guide parents in understanding the way we monitor and assess students in Sixth Form
Key dates Term dates are all listed on the web-site for your convenience Post 16 Day for Year 11 - Friday November 25th 2016 – Year 12 have no lessons but students may use Learning Resource Areas Parents’ Evening – Tuesday 6 th December 4pm – 7.30 Main Hall Year 12 Reports – March 2017
Key Dates Year 12 study leave will begin on Monday 15 th May and Examinations take place from early May into June 2017 Students return to Sixth Form after completion of the examination series on Monday June 19 th (provisional date) Activity Week – Monday 10th July – Friday 14 th July – an excellent week for voluntary work, work experience placements, Duke of Edinburgh Expedition, EPQ work or family holiday
Rights and Responsibilities All sixth form students have the right to use the facilities from 8.15am until 6pm All sixth form students have the right to have paid employment beyond school hours – we recommend no more than 10 hours a week as this can have a detrimental effect on their capacity to achieve well at Level 3 All sixth form students have the right to use ONE study period a week for driving lessons – please ensure we know the regular slot
Rights and Responsibilities Students have a responsibility to arrive on time each day for a prompt 9am start Students have a responsibility to attend ALL timetabled lessons Year 12 students are expected to be on-site all day, every day unless they have a lunch pass. If they have a study period they DO NOT have permission to be at home!
Rights and Responsibilities Students have the responsibility for completing all homework, wider reading and coursework tasks set as directed by each member of staff that teaches them. Attendance and punctuality are important and where a student begins to be absent we will contact you to raise concern and find ways to resolve any issues that the student may have.
Rights and Responsibilities Dress Code - Smart and comfortably dressed. We expect students to observe the concepts of modesty and decency. If a student is deemed to be dressed inappropriately, they will be asked to return home to change. Inappropriate ◦No hats in lessons, form rooms or assemblies. ◦Ripped jeans ◦Beach gear ◦ANY Strapless tops/dresses ◦Cropped tops, very short shorts or skirts ◦Excessive jewellery/inappropriate visible body piercings. ◦Offensive Clothing and Logos
Rights and Responsibilities Students have a responsibility to inform us if they are ill. They should either telephone Mrs Smith on the direct line number: or her Each morning phone calls will be made to parents for all absent students who have not contacted Mrs Smith. We recommend that any planned absences are notified to us well before the day and that students let teaching staff know also.
Monitoring and Assessment Students CTL (commitment to learning) and current attainment data will be monitored during year 12. You will receive this information at the following points. ◦November 2016 ◦March 2017 (Full reports) ◦July 2017 (mock exam results) Each report will also include students’ ALPS and subject targets as well as their current attainment level.
ALPS: A level Performance Systems Year 12 have been introduced to ALPS which looks at performance at GCSE as an indicator of minimum target grades at AS and A2. This is NOT subject specific but points to an overall profile coming into year 12 and what minimum targets should be for students We use these in discussions with each student across each subject and with mentor meetings with tutors
The Minimum Target Grades are established through calculating the Average GCSE score Scoring is based on: A* = 8A = 7B = 6C = 5 D = 4E = 3F = 2G = 1 For each GCSE grade achieved Average GCSE Score = Total points Total GCSE’s Average points score only based on GCSE scores
Minimum AS Level Grade Expectation Approx GCSE Grades GCSE Score Band AS Level Minimum Target Grades Per Subject AS Level Minimum Target Grades per Student Subject to be Taken (exc GS/EPQ) Mainly A & A* AAAAB 4 Mainly A’s & B’s 6.4-<6.7B/CBBCC 4 Mainly B’s few A’s 6.1-<6.4CCCCC 4 Just over all B’s 5.8-<6.1C/DCCDD 4 Mainly C’s4.7-<5.2DDDDE/DDE4/3
Warning! These grades are NOT predictions They are NOT ceiling grades They are minimum target grades
The First Data Collection You will receive 3 grades per subject. These will be: An ALPS minimum target grade A current attainment level for that subject A subject aspirational target grade.
Study leave and exams Year 12 study leave begins on Monday 15 th May and students return on Monday 19 th June. During that time any student taking the following subjects will sit their AS exams. ◦Music TechnologyChildren’s Play ◦Maths and Further MathsAncient History ◦Government and PoliticsEnvironmental Studies ◦Film StudiesCreative Writing ◦Media StudiesAccounting ◦Design Technology
Study leave and exams For all other subjects – students will sit a mock exam alongside year 13 public exams. ◦Mock results will be given to students and parents in July. ◦Students who do not achieve at least an E grade may not be allowed to continue that subject into year 13. ◦Students who fail to achieve at least an E grade in two of their subjects will not be able to continue to Year 13
Study leave and exams Any student taking a linear A level (those sitting mocks) must inform their subject teachers by March 2017 if they want to drop the subject at the end of year 12. ◦This will mean they also take an AS exam. ◦If on receiving their results they decide to then continue the course, the AS grade does not count towards their A level and they will be required to pay for their AS exam (as with any resit)
Additional Information The Student Guide ed to students in early September has additional information regarding school and sixth form systems They will also carry useful information such as , direct line and Fire Alarm guidance!
And finally… We have been impressed with the positive ethos adopted by year 12 students so far and look forward to continued focus and application during this term and beyond Thank you for your attention! We are now available for questions. Mrs Wheatley and Mr Robinson