When we look at the Sun (NEVER EVER look directly at the Sun) we often see that there’s more to it than just a ball of hot gas. Sunspots Prominences / Flares Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) Solar Storms 2
All these phenomena seem related : when there’s more sunspots, there tend to be more prominences, flares, …. We can get an idea about “solar activity” by counting the number of sunspots ! 10
All these phenomena seem related : when there’s more sunspots, there tend to be more prominences, flares, …. We can get an idea about “solar activity” by counting the number of sunspots ! Average length between two subsequent solar maxima is 11 years. Location on the Sun depends on where in the cycle we are: butterfly diagrams. 12
..this is how we know that a new solar cycle started 2 years ago with the occurrence of a first group of sunspots at high latitude! 14
Let’s have a look at what sunspots really are…. 15
Sunspots appear dark because they are cooler than the surrounding gas – about 4,000 K. They continue to exist often for weeks. If they stay “cool” for so long, something must be preventing hot gas from entering the sunspot area….. This something turns out to be strong magnetic fields. 16
17 Charged particles have to follow the magnetic field, and thus cannot cross the field lines!
Sunspots occur often in pairs, connected by a loop of magnetic field lines. Gas becomes trapped in these loops, and the result is a prominence. Prominences can also exist for days or weeks. 19
So sunspots and other phenomena related to solar activity are due to magnetic fields. So why does the Sun have an 11 year cycle then? Well, we don’t fully understand. Some combination of magnetic fields, rotation and convection. 21
Near the poles, magnetic field lines project out into space. Along these field lines, charged particles are streaming outward at typically 500 km/s. This is the Solar wind. Remember the importance of the Solar Wind in blowing away the hydrogen and helium at some early stage in our Solar System history. 23
When magnetic field lines become very twisted and knotted, they can sometimes no longer bear the tension and suddenly snap and reorganize themselves. This generates a tremendous amount of energy, heating the gas (temporarily) to 100 million K and accelerating some of the charged particles to nearly the speed of light : a solar flare. 24
Large flare will result in large number of particles being ejected – a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). If this happens to be aimed in Earth’s direction, the result is a geomagnetic storm. Forecasting such storm is now dubbed “spaceweather” forecasting. 25
Beautiful auroras (northern lights)… … but also disruptions to radio communications, electrical power and electronic components (especially in orbiting satellites). Example: March 13, 1989: geomagnetic storm disrupted power throughout most of Quebec Superstorm of 1859: shorted out telegraph wires, with auroras visible even in Hawaii…. 26
28 Different colors correspond to different transitions of elements in the atmosphere. Oxygen is typically green and red; blue/violet/purple typically nitrogen.