This Is Next-Gen Web Security
Agenda 2 Web Security Today Defining Next-Gen Web Security Introducing Sophos Secure Web Gateway o Web Security o Web Simplicity o Web Performance The Sophos Web Security and Vision Summary
Web Security Today
Web Is Still the Number 1 Source of Malware 4 Every 2 Seconds Another Malicious URL Appears 30,000 malicious URLs seen each day. This is almost a new malicious URL every 2 seconds 80% of malicious URLs are actually legitimate sites that have been compromised Source: SophosLabs
But Things Have Changed… 5 Increasingly mobile workforce More sophisticated, more targeted attacks Rise of consumer cloud-based applications
Unique Malware With Brutal Payloads 6 $325M in ransoms // 100,000+ victims DAILY
Professional Attack Technology 7 Highly professional approach e.g. ransomware crooks invariably provide the actual decryption key after payment of the ransom Skillful social engineering – taking advantage of human nature
Increasingly Mobile Workforce… 8 Corporate Perimeter VPN Corporate Perimeter Web
Rise of Consumer Cloud-Based Applications 9
And There Are Not Enough Skilled People To Go Around 10 Why companies regret investment in enabling technologies (2 answers permitted) “The biggest challenge that most mid-market enterprises face in terms of IT security is finding and retaining quality staff.” Peter Firstbrook Research VP, Gartner
Defining Next-Gen Web Security
Why Do You Need Next-Gen Web Security? 12 Modern users work with multiple devices and use a variety of apps to help them Whether they are on or off the corporate network their devices need to remain safe and secure Devices and users need to be protected without slowing them down!
Introducing Sophos Secure Web Gateway
Why Organizations Choose Sophos Web Gateway 14 Advanced security and control Protect against threats, control apps and users’ surfing habits Simple to try, deploy and manage Establish and enforce policies and monitor potential threats Lightning performance Improve productivity by boosting users’ browsing speeds
Web Security and Control
16 Secures and controls web usage wherever your users go Sophos Sandstorm blocks sophisticated, targeted attacks Granular controls for consumer cloud apps Underpinned by Sophos Labs
Advanced Protection and Granular Control 17 Security and Control Web filtering on 90+ categories Cloud App & URL filtering Anti-malware and anti-phishing Lightweight DLP (keyword content scanning) HTTPS scanning Support for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android
Global Network Optimized for Mobile Workforce Lightweight Endpoint Agent Proxies data traffic to a Sophos Gateway Dynamically chooses the best performing gateway Knows what traffic not to proxy based on policy Globally distributed gateways Analyze each packet for threats Apply corporate policies Aggregate data for real-time analytics Central Management through Sophos Central Globally Distributed Gateways 18
19 Determine Behavior Cloud Sophos Sandstorm Suspect ControlReport Secure Web* Gateway Secure Gateway Unified Threat Management Next-Gen Firewall *Available now in Sophos Web Appliance, coming to Sophos Web Gateway later in 2016
Supported Platforms 20 Coverage for All of Your Devices Mac OS X Windows 7+ Android 5.0+ChromebookiOS 5.0+
Web Simplicity
Simple, Effective Management 22 Easy to try, deploy and manage o 6 minutes from signing up on to a fully working trial Single, integrated management console o Manage your entire security infrastructure from Sophos Central Simple – yet advanced when you need it o flexible and intuitive—granular customization when required
One-Stop Security With Sophos Central 23 Consolidate your data protection strategy across the corporate network Simplified management – one console, one login Create policies for individuals not just devices
Web Performance
Superior End-User Experience 25 Improve productivity and avoid help desk calls from unhappy users o Enhances end user browsing experience and speeds up web browsing Minimal latency with maximum security. o FastLane technology intelligently routes traffic to optimal Sophos gateway
Reliable, globally-deployed cloud infrastructure
Powerful Reporting 27 Big Data Reporting and Analytics Made Simple Visibility and Reporting 100+ Reports Bandwidth or Events By app, user, category, location, device, domain, host, protocol Malware Events By user, group, location, device, domain, platform User or Group Malware, bandwidth, app usage, category breakdown
Sophos Web Security Vision
Radicati Web Market Quadrant 29 Independent analyst report names Sophos as a Top Player Sophos strengths include: o Straightforward per user pricing -More cost-effective than many other vendors o Easy to use, intuitive management interface -Navigation follows a ‘three clicks’ rule which makes it quick and easy to learn o Flexible deployment options including cloud and on-premises -Hybrid on the roadmap for 2017 o Sophos Web Appliance’s Managed Appliance Service -Allows Sophos to monitor and help troubleshoot each Sophos Web Appliance o Sophos Sandstorm -Advanced persistent threat (APT) solution
Cloud protection and enforcement everywhere Next-Gen Secure Web Gateway 30 Central, Gateway, Endpoint All Working Better Together SophosLabs Data Loss Prevention Advanced Sandboxing Cloud Proxy Endpoint Agent Gateway Appliance Central Management & Reporting Compliance data and threat intelligence including dynamic site categorization & app reputation Configurable sandboxing with actionable alerts Cloud-managed, on-premise protection and enforcement Intelligent agent with app context and smart routing Vertical oriented DLP (Healthcare, Finance, etc.)
Sophos Web Gateway Next-Gen Vision 31 CLOUD ENFORCEMENT ON-PREMISE ENFORCEMENT ENDPOINT AGENT CLOUD MANAGEMENT & REPORTING + Simple Deployment Easy Management with Granular Controls Instant Visibility with Smart Monitoring Advanced Sandboxing App Reputation Dynamic Site Categorization Vertical-oriented DLP THREAT INTELLIGENCE & COMPLIANCE DATA Internet Out of the Office In the office Direct (Streaming) Context & Telemetry
Advanced Web Security for a Mobile Workforce 33 Advanced security and control Protect against threats, control apps and users’ surfing habits Simple to try, deploy and manage Establish and enforce policies and monitor potential threats Lightning performance Improve productivity by boosting users’ browsing speeds
Next Steps – Useful Links 34 Sophos Website Webinars Sophos Blog Latest Sophos Podcasts YouTube Contact us or Find a Partner