School Placement options by Claudia Dunkley One to one Paraprofes sional Home School/Grace Academy Gifted and Talented/Rainard Academy Gifted and Talented/Rainard Academy Collaborative Teaching/ The Ideal School of Manhattan Collaborative Teaching/ The Ideal School of Manhattan Related Services/ National Dissemination for children with disability Pull Out/ESL Pull Out/ESL Tri-County Special Education Ass. Tri-County Special Education Ass. Inclusion General Eucationd Residential School/American school for the deaf Residential School/American school for the deaf
General Education/UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte’s a general education program is deigned to provide individual with the broad liberal arts education that is an essential part of the college experience. The general education requirements is as follows: students must have between 39 and 44 semester hours. (which is 13 or 14 classes). These requirements fall into four major categories which are. Fundamental Skills of Inquiry, 9-12 semester hours. These courses are designed to help students develop the foundational skills necessary for obtaining full benefits of a college education. Inquiry into the Sciences, 11 semester hours. These courses provide students with an understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry and the ways that knowledge is acquired and accredited. Themes of Liberal Education, 12 semester hours. This is the general education requirement of the UNC curriculum. These courses are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their role as an educated citizen. Communications Skills, 7-9 semester hours. These courses are intended to further develop more specialized skills for writing in the discipline and oral presentations.
Home School/Grace Academy The Grace Academy is an independent Christian resource center for homeschoolers in Kindergarten through 12 th grade and accredited through the National Private schools Accreditation Alliance. Home school curriculum is delivered online an includes home school materials such as a combination of online and offline components including etexts, traditional textbooks, workbooks, CD-ROMs and other multimedia- intensive activities.
One to One Paraprofessional One to One Paraprofessional spend their time doing the following: Providing instruction support Providing one-to-one instruction Modifying materials Implementing behavior management plans Meeting with teachers Providing personal care assistance
Related Services/National Dissemination Center for children with Disabilities The national Dissemination Center for children with Disabilities offers a wide range of services such as.. Information and connections to the full spectrum of disabilities in children, including developmental delays and rare disorders. Learning the basic steps involved in early interventions, include evaluating babies and toddlers to identify his or her needs and determine eligibility for services. Offer brief, but detailed fact sheets on specific disabilities. Each fact sheet defines the disability, describe its characteristics, and offers tips for parents and teachers.
Collaborative Team Teaching/The Ideal school of Manhattan Collaborative team teaching is an instructional practice that includes a general education teacher and learning specialist who combine efforts to provide support and enrichment to all students. Both are responsible for instructional planning and delivery.
Inclusion In a inclusive classroom, children with various disabilities are place into the general classrooms of elementary and secondary schools either all or most of the time. Children who are eligible for special education may spend two-thirds or more of the school week in general classrooms. They may be pulled out for physical therapy, speech/language pathology, or other related services.
Residential School/American school for the Deaf The American School for the Deaf offers deaf and hard of hearing students ages 3-21 a full range of educational programming from pre- school through twelfth grade. ASD work with parents so that they can developed the right educational program designed to meet the unique needs of all their students. Students at ASD have full access to the school’s comprehensive audiology, psychological, academic and career services, including speech and auditory evaluation and training, sign language instruction, cochlear implant support, occupational and physical therapy, and personal, academic and career counseling.
Gifted and Talented/Rainard Grace Academy Rainard School is Houston's only non-profit private school for academically gifted children. We offer a school-year program designed to meet the academic, social, emotional and intellectual needs of exceptionally bright students ages 4 1/ The students meet in small classes of students. The classes are mixed-age, so students can be with other kids who are their peers both intellectually and socially.
Pullout/ESL Pull out English as a Second language remove students from mainstream classrooms for a portion of the day in order to give them specialized instruction in English. Pull out programs do not usually incorporate the lessons going on in the English class. While the students are attending ESL, they are missing out on the other subjects in their main stream classroom.
Tri- County Special Education ASS. Support services available through Tri-County include student evaluation, administration, program supervision, professional development, and related services such as.. Occupational and Physical Therapy,Occupational and Physical Therapy Psychological and Social Work Services, Psychological and Social Work Services Speech-Language Services, and Assistive Technology. Speech-Language ServicesAssistive Technology Many specialized services are provided through partnerships with member districts, other educational organizations, and community agencies. Service options for students who have, or are suspected of having, disabilities are most comprehensive, but Tri-County’s services are sometimes helpful for any or all students on a limited basis.