(Name of Supreme Court Case goes here) (Your name goes here)
About the Case Here you will explain about the case You will list details of the case There should NOT be a paragraph here Each bullet should have no more than 10 words Keep it short and simple
Majority Opinion List the main arguments for the majority You’ll list the arguments for the other side on the next slide There should NOT be a paragraph here List the arguments and keep it short and simple
Dissenting Opinion List the arguments for the other side There should NOT be a paragraph here Keep it short and simple
Concurring Opinions List the arguments for the concurring opinion There should NOT be a paragraph here Keep it short and simple
The Court’s Ruling What was the court’s ruling? Was it unanimous or what was the count? What was the court’s reason or reasons for the way they ruled? Remember to keep it simple, there should NOT be a paragraph.
My Opinion Here you will state what your opinion is on the case. This is the only slide where you can write a short paragraph. Keep it simple, no more than 5 sentences.