We have researched a lot about allotments. But what plants can you grow in February?allotments
Plants that you could grow in February are simple. These are a few I know of: Peppers Lettuce Onions Shallots Tomatoes These are the vegetables you might grow in February
Keep checking frequently on the condition of any produce in store it will begin to wake up after it’s winter dormancy and start to regrow. Prune late/autumn fruiting raspberries down as low as possible and mulch around them. To get no pests cover the soil with clothes or sheets of plastic.conditionproduce dormancy Prunemulch This is a flower that you would grow in February called a Rose
Allotment: It is land used for planting fruit, vegetables and flowers Condition: The state or fitness of a person or thing Produce: Make or create something ; bring something into existence Dormancy: You don’t know something is there Prune: Cut off unwanted part of a tree or a bush ect Mulch: You put compost or decaying leafs around plants Slide 1: Title PageSlide 3:keeping plants healthy This is an allotment