“Baltimore’s Workforce System at Work” A Report prepared for the B W I B by the Workforce System Effectiveness Committee (March 2004)
Objectives of the Report 1.Provide an overview of One-Stop Career Center Network structure, services, and performance. 2.Be a primer for new/prospective Board members. 3.Report progress with WSEC studies previewed at June 2003 BWIB meeting. 4.Make findings-based recommendations for Board consideration. 5.Be the first in a regular series.
Projects previewed in June Customer flow/process mapping study 2.Client cohort outcomes and employer characteristics 3.Return on investment pilot 4.Performance support plans for intensive services contractees 5.Private sector performance practices 6. Comparable cities benchmarking project 7. Responses to extreme fiscal stress 8. Role of temporary help supply/staffing industry 9. Identification of employer needs 10.‘State of the Workforce System Report’
Report structure 1. The workforce landscape -unemployment, projections, review of existing work 2. Local One-Stop Career Network at work -Role of the Board; system and services; client flow and demographics; employer analysis; comparable city benchmarking; training investment analysis (cost-effectiveness and ROI) 3. Future opportunities - strategies, sector/cluster-based approaches, develop more training funds, modern performance measurement/management system.
Main findings 1. System is performing well by federal standards, and in comparison to peer areas. 2. Scale of skills uplift required is the challenge: 132,000 adults in 2000 without any post- secondary qualification. 3. Client samples show training investment has positive returns for taxpayer in second year (for customized), and third year (for ITA-funded). 4. More funds for training are necessary, to make a real difference.
What do we want from the full Board? 1.Is this the appropriate level of detail for your needs? 2.If this is to be a regular series, which sections do you want to see repeated/omitted in future reports? 3. What other questions would you like addressed in new projects over the coming year? 4. Any suggestions for resources to support this work in future?