Ch. 3-1 Objectives Explain how disputes can be settled without going to court Name the different levels of courts and describe their jurisdictions and powers
Dispute Resolution How Can Disputes be Resolved W/O Going to court? Litigate ○ Allow a court to resolve their disputes Mediator ○ 3 rd party – not legally binding on parties Arbitrator ○ Informal hearing – binding on both parties Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Dispute Resolution How Do Courts Settle Disputes? Court ○ Governmental forum that administers justice under the law ○ Follow impartial & thorough procedures to make decisions ○ 2 Levels Trial & Appellate Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Dispute Resolution Trial Court 1 st to hear: witnesses testimony & reviews, evidence Verdict (decision) Original Jurisdiction ○ Power to make the initial decisions of fact and law Clerks – enter cases on calendar, keep records, & compute costs Bailiffs (sheriffs) – summon witnesses, keep order, carry out judgments Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Dispute Resolution Appellate Courts Reviews decisions of lower courts when a party claims an error of law was made during the lower court’s proceeding Transcripts ○ Which is a verbatim record of what went on at trial Appellate briefs ○ Written arguments on the issues of law Hear attorneys’ oral arguments Decide if lower court should be: Affirmed (upheld) Reversed (overturned) Amended (changed) Remanded (sent back to correct issue or new trial) Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Ch. 3-2 Objectives Identify the source of power of the federal courts Name the major federal courts and describe their jurisdictions and powers
Origin of the Federal Court System Article III The people conferred the power to judge certain criminal & civil matters on a system of federal courts: ○ Sec 1 – judicial power, vested in one Supreme Court Congress obtains & establishes ○ Federal Judiciary Act – “ordained & established” the U.S. Supreme Court (USSC) & circuit courts of appeals Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts General Jurisdiction Hear almost any kind of case 3 Levels of federal courts ○ Federal district courts ○ Federal court of appeals ○ USSC Special Jurisdiction One specific type of case such as tax, international trade, and bankruptcy Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Federal Court System Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Federal District Courts Lower level of federal courts w/ general jurisdiction – trial court Original jurisdiction over: ○ Federal questions (U.S. Constitution, U.S. Law, and U.S. Treaties) ○ Lawsuits between citizens of different states, b/w U.S. citizen & foreign nation ○ More than $75,000 must be in dispute for a federal court to hear a diversity of citizenship Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Federal Courts of Appeals Appellate jurisdiction over… District courts, specialized federal courts, and many federal agencies No new evidence or call witnesses 13 Federal Courts of Appeals 12 are circuit courts – geographical area 1 “federal circuit” – handles patent cases appealed out of the district courts & appeals from federal courts w/ special jurisdiction Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
United States Supreme Court Both original & appellate jurisdiction Original: “cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, & in which a state shall be party” Appellate (most important): Cases on appeal from the US Courts of Appeals From the highest courts of the various states Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
United States Supreme Court Writ of certiorari –compels lower court to turn over the record of the case to the Supreme Court Over state supreme courts if federal question has arisen Decisions of the USSC that apply the Constitution are final & can only be overturned by the USSC itself or by an Amendment Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Ch. 3-3 Objectives Compare the structure of a typical state court system with the structure of the federal courts Explain the jurisdictions of the specialized courts in a typical state system Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Structure of State Court Systems State resembles federal system 3 tiers State supreme court Appellate layer Geographically based trial court system ○ General or specialized jurisdiction Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
State Trial Courts AKA: circuit courts – both civil & criminal Aka – superior court, district court, common pleas court Court of record-exact account of what happens at the trial Transcript, evidence, statements, & judgment Review decisions of courts of specialized jurisdiction (ie. Small claims courts) Will retry cases to make a proper record for the purpose of potential appeals Choice of No jury = judge making decision Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
A Typical State Court System Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
State Courts of Appeals Typically – appeal in court of record reviewed by panel of judges No evidence introduced Correct law was used to resolve
State Supreme Courts Only cases with most complex legal issues Justice – title of judges (3 or more) Original jurisdiction over most state impeachment cases Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Associate Circuit Courts County courts Layer below main courts of general original jurisdiction Minor criminal cases Traffic Lawsuits below $25,000 Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
City or Municipal Courts Courts administer their ordinances Divided into traffic & criminal NOTE: Only Federal or State governments can make an act criminal Appeal to circuit court level Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Small Claims Courts Minor suits $2,500 or less Usually no attorneys Appeal to circuit court level CO - $7500 or less Faster & cheaper Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008 Colorado Small Claims Handbook for Non-Lawyers,
Juvenile Courts Over 13 and under 18 Society believes not be held as responsible as adults for criminal acts Full constitutional rights Attorney Rehabilitation not punishment Not for public knowledge Records not open to public Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Probate Courts Administer Wills Estates Property is divided according to their wishes Procedure is formal & complex Material from: Adamson, John. E., Law for Business and Personal Use, 18 th edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2008
Chapter 4 Quiz (12pts) What are 2 ways a USSC decision can be changed? The appellate court is concerned with errors in ___ & not questions of ____. A criminal case is a case against whom? What is another name for a state trial court? What is the main goal of juvenile courts? List 4 ways to resolve a dispute.
Ch. 4 Quiz – EC (5pts) If the USSC affirmed a ruling, what are they doing? What article developed the USSC? How many Federal court of appeals are there? What court do you go to if you had an issue about a will or estate? What former model had her case heard before the USSC?