CGMS-42-IWWG-WP-01 PPT, v1, 9 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Status of Activities and Relevant Discussion Topics in Advance of the 12 th International Winds Workshop Co-chairs: Jaime Daniels (NOAA) and Mary Forsythe (Met Office) Rapporteur: Johannes Schmetz (EUMETSAT)
CGMS-42-IWWG-WP-01 PPT, v1, 9 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Introduction of EUM-WP01: ‘Status of activities and relevant discussion topics in advance of the 12 th International Winds Workshop’ The 12th Workshop of the International Winds Working Group (IWW12) will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, June Hosted by the University of Copenhagen. CGMS 42 WGII is invited to provide feedback and advice Reference is made to the actions and recommendations from CGMS-41
CGMS-42-IWWG-WP-01 PPT, v1, 9 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Actions from CGMS-41 CGMS-A Co-chairs of IWWG to provide a summary paper and lessons learnt to CGMS-42 from the second AMV derivation inter- comparison project CGMS-A IWWG co-chairs to i) organise a dedicated session at IWW12 on research, operational applications and benefits of high resolution AMVs and ii) to provide a corresponding report to the next CGMS meeting CGMS-A NOAA to ensure that CIMSS/SSEC AMV reprocessing activity should be embedded into SCOPE-CM AMV project by a communication to the SCOPE-CM Secretariat Items in italic are not specifically addressed in this presentation
CGMS-42-IWWG-WP-01 PPT, v1, 9 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Recommendations from CGMS-41 CGMS-R41.06: IWW12 is requested to discuss progress on spatially enhanced AMV products using combinations of data from polar orbiting satellites (including sounders) CGMS-R41.09: IWWG to support SCOPE-CM towards the possible development of a unified algorithm for consistent reprocessing of AMVs from geostationary meteorological satellites CGMS-R41.08: NOAA is invited to consider sustained support to future reprocessing work on GOES and polar AMVs for the benefit of future reanalyses CGMS-R41.07: NASA is requested to provide a summary paper to CGMS- 42 on cloud motion winds from MISR. The paper should include the potential of the product for NRT application in NWP and also describe efforts to provide the product for reanalyses.
CGMS-42-IWWG-WP-01 PPT, v1, 9 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Second AMV Inter-comparison Study (Action This will be addressed at IWW12. Goal is to: better understand similarities and differences in AMVs produced at different operational centers, and ultimately, to improve the quality and consistency of the AMV products. The following members are participating in the study: CMA EUMETSAT JMA KMA NOAA/NESDIS NWC SAF of EUMETSAT Brazilian Met Service
CGMS-42-IWWG-WP-01 PPT, v1, 9 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS High Resolution Wind Datasets (Action 41.25) IWWG co-chairs have scheduled a dedicated session at IWW12 on research, operational applications and benefits of high resolution AMVs that includes a plenary discussion period Presently ten talks on mesoscale wind data (AMVs and scatterometer) are included For a summary of contributions to this session see paper EUM-WP-01 Comments from rapporteur: Goal is to foster a ‘consistent’ derivation of AMVs at smaller spatial scales (high-resolution AMVs) Longer-term goal could be the derivation of motions of different spatial scales for use in NWP models (not generally a surrogate for a local wind field!)