A DDRESS THE P ROMPT What is the prompt asking you to write about? What ideas or opinions do you have about the topic? Ex: Many people have a hero or mentor. Who is an adult in your life who inspires you?
B RAINSTORMING Write down all of the ideas you have about the topic. You can make a mind map, where you connect words and ideas. You can simply list ideas
W RITING A T HESIS S TATEMENT Your thesis is the MOST important part of your essay. It is answering the question that the prompt asks you. Use your brainstorming! It should tell me what you’re going to talk about in the essay. Ex: My dad has inspired me the most in my life, because he is brave, kind, and determined.
W RITING AN I NTRODUCTION You want to grab your reader’s attention! Start with an anecdote: a short story that relates to the prompt and your thesis in some way. Ex: Everybody has a hero. A hero can be Superman, a rock star, or a soldier. However, a hero can also be an ordinary person who does extraordinary things. When I was nine, I realized that my father was my hero. My father has inspired me the most in my life because he is brave, kind, and determined.
W RITING Y OUR B ODY P ARAGRAPHS Your body paragraphs should address the three things you mention in your thesis. The paragraphs MUST follow the order they are in your thesis. Your paragraph should start with a transition sentence that relates to the thesis. Ex: My father is brave because as a member of FEMA, Las Vegas Search and Rescue, and the Clark County Fire Department, he never hesitates to risk his life for others.
C ONCLUSION Your conclusion should restate your thesis IN DIFFERENT WORDS. It should sum up the evidence in your paper. Ex: My father has inspired me to always put others before myself. I should always show courage, compassion, and conviction in everything that I do. Someday, I hope that I can inspire those I love with the same qualities that he shows every day. Being a hero is not always rushing into a burning house. Sometimes, it is nothing more than never giving up hope.