Towards a scientific cloud for Europe Åke Edlund, PhD KTH/CSC/PDC Cloud Group Lead Leader of VENUS-C WP2 – Scientific and International.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a scientific cloud for Europe Åke Edlund, PhD KTH/CSC/PDC Cloud Group Lead Leader of VENUS-C WP2 – Scientific and International Cooperation Coordinator NEON project –

VENUS-C will develop and deploy a Cloud Computing service for research and industry communities in Europe by offering an industrial- quality service-oriented platform based on virtualisation technologies. VENUS-C aims to facilitate and empower these communities through the easy deployment of end- user services, in order to make e-Infrastructures more widely valuable across a spectrum of research fields without the complexity of existing grids and high up-front costs. Cloud computing eScience Scientific cloud Key concepts Virtual multidisciplinary EnviroNments USing Cloud infrastructures

Bring early adopters to the cloud – from start Attract new users during the project – through an open call Give users multiple choices - Azure, OpenNebula and Eucalyptus Contribute actively to DCI Collaborative Roadmap – EGI-InSPIRE, EMI, IGE), StratusLab, EDGI, VENUS-C Contribute through ECEE to “interoperability-today” effort VENUS-C Goals (my wording) Next … bringing more science to the cloud

Supporting Multiple Basic Research Disciplines Biomedicine (3): Integrating widely used tools for Bioinformatics, System Biology and Drug Discovery into the VENUS-C infrastructure. Civil Protection & Emergencies (1): Early fire risk detection, through an application that will run models on the VENUS-C infrastructure, based on multiple data sources. Civil Engineering (2): Support complex computing tasks on Building Information Management for green constructions and dynamic building structure analysis. Data for Science (1): Integrating computing through VENUS-C on data repositories. In particular focus will be on Marine Biodiversity through Aquamaps. 7even User Scenarios Extending eScience Applications through Open Call: €20,000 funding each, in addition to Azure Compute, Storage and Network Resources porting applications to the cloud - education and training - scalability tests Extending eScience Applications through Open Call: €20,000 funding each, in addition to Azure Compute, Storage and Network Resources porting applications to the cloud - education and training - scalability tests

1 7 User Scenarios · Building Structural Analysis · Building Information Management · Fire Risk Estimation and Propagation · Data for Science – Ecologic Modeling · Bioinformatics · System Biology · Drug Discovery

User Scenario 1 Building Structural Analysis User Community Wide community of professionals: Architects, Structural and Civil Engineers SMEs Architectural Studios, Construction and Engineering Enterprises Researchers Universities, Research Centres Expected Benefits of VENUS-C To provide the structural community with an execution and research platform. To reduce the time and cost for designing complex structures and to increase the results reliability, the productivity, the efficiency and the volume of business.

User Scenario 2 Building Information Management User Community Architects, Engineers, Suppliers, Construction firms, Real Estates. MACE and Green Prefab communities: 15k stakeholders in Europe, 60k in USA, 1k in China. MACE Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe - a EU project Green Prefab, a spin-off from MACE and it’s Building Information Management System for eco-buildings. Expected Benefits of VENUS-C Documentation and experimental application on a real case simulation.

User Community Fisheries, Aquaculture Resources Management, and Biodiversity (main involved organizations: WorldFish Center, FAO, CGIAR) Heterogeneous communities: Statisticians, Fishery Biologists, Marine Ecologists, Economists, Lawyers Enforcement bodies: customs, coast guards Conservationists: threatened species and Marine Protected Areas Expected Benefits of VENUS-C Computing resources provisioned as a utility service. On-demand computing resources capable to satisfy computational peaks either caused by unscheduled or scheduled requests. User Scenario 3 Data for Science - AquaMaps

User Scenario 4 Fire Risk Estimation and Propagation User Community Fire scientists Civil protection authorities The only VENUS-C user scenario with Geospatial processing and content. Expected Benefits of VENUS-C Software and infrastructure as a service. Cut down on client deployment time and costs. Specific and high level knowledge not needed by end-users.

User Scenario 5 Bioinformatics User Community Bioinformaticians Wide community (70K indexed articles in PubMed in the last 10 years), with highly-demanding computing and storage requirements and used to work on the Internet. Expected Benefits of VENUS-C Infrastructures on demand for specific needs. Better integration of data and computing.

User Scenario 6 System Biology User Community Wide community, both academic and industrial, performing research in either: Biology Pharmacy Medicine Health care Expected Benefits of VENUS-C Scalability of applications.

User Scenario 7 Drug Discovery User Community The target users for this application are chemistry-informaticians, both from academy and SMEs that use a mixed set of public and private tools and data Expected Benefits of VENUS-C – Infrastructures on demand for specific needs. – Provision of generic model building framework

Addressing key issues in the European Landscape A cloud-based e-Infrastructure for eScience, currently missing from Europe’s service portfolio Ensuring a leap forward for the European Research Area (ERA) Integrating flexible easy-to-use utility services, complementing current computing services like grids & supercomputers Europe as a hub of excellence in e-Science Provisioning, operation and user-testing of an industrial quality, virtualised infrastructure, open to the research & scientific community Individual partners benefit, all considering a sustainable model once the project finishes Sustainable and continuous services of production quality 24/7 A scalable solution which would enable SMEs and small research labs to compete with larger organizations Know-how produced in the project and then exploitable beyond science Innovation by exploiting know-how beyond science (public services, large scale experimentation, ….)

VENUS-C – Funding EU will fund the project with €4.5m over the first 2 years (1/6/ /5/2012). Funding Scheme: Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Action: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3). European Programme Topic: INFRA Distributed Computing Infrastructures. Microsoft will invest up to €3m in Azure resources and research manpower in Redmond (U.S.), Cambridge (UK), European Microsoft Innovation Centre (Germany) and Microsoft Innovation Centre (Greece).

VENUS-C Consortium User Scenarios Project Director: Andrea Manieri, Engineering, Italy