WHAT IS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: DEVELOPMENT/IMPLEMENTATION AND STUDY OF GOVERNMENT POLICY. Public administration development, implementation and study of government policies. Definitions: ‘’the management of public programs’’ ‘’the translation of politics into the reality that citizens see every day’’ ‘’p.a. consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy’’ ‘’a branch of political science dealing primarily with the structure and workings of agencies charged with the administration of governmental functions’’ ! Public administration is also a field of study ! Public administration development implementation of government policy study definitions “the management of public programs” “the translation of politics into the reality that citizens see every day” “all those operations having for their purpose the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy” * P.A. is also a field of study, a branch of political science
PUBLIC versus PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION political character aim incentives impact performance indicators flexibility
NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Main Features Values: entrepreneurship/creativity/flexibility Accountability by results Decentralized structures High quality services Performance indicators/Benchmarking Open minded attitude Focus on citizen Critics on NPM those who support that by adopting the approach of NPM, the P.A. will be more effective and efficient. those who focus on the weaknesses of NPM such as the high transition costs and the dilemma of control. A MARKET ORIENTED MANAGEMENT OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR
PROBLEMS OF P.A. IN GREECE red-tapism Corruption/lack of transparency complicated structure legalism/ formalism no meritocracy/ nepotism
REQUIRED REFORMS new selection system based on meritocracy reduction of red-tapism re-organizing structures effective-efficient-transparent p.a. new ministries’ organizational ranks effective-efficient-transparent p.a. new assessment system incentives departisation promote the use of e-gov upgrade the role of National Centre for P.A.
E-GOVERNMENT Definition by the EU: “Electronic government is the use of information and communication technologies in public administrations-combined with organizational changes and new skills-to improve public services and democratic processes and to strengthen support to public policies”. * The general idea is that public services can be improved by implementing e-gov tools. * The biggest problem is the change of attitude. * Despite the fact that Greece has made several steps for example Taxisnet, Diavgeia, our country has a long way to go yet.
NATIONAL CENTRE OF P.A. The National Centre for P.A. and Local Government:... is a public entity supervised by the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction … was founded in 1983 … is in operation since 1985 … its main mission is the improvement of the functioning and effectiveness of public services and of the public agents … the mission is realized through a series of actions
NATIONAL SCHOOL OF P.A. -One of the EKDDA’s training units is the National School of P.A. and Local Government, which feeds the P.A. with highly-educated/trained officials of fast promotion, capable of responding to the new conditions the Hellenic P.A. and Greece are generally faced with. -The State should utilize effectively the graduates who can contribute with their knowledge and training in eliminating the problems of P.A. In other words, this highly qualified personnel should staff all the posts of high rank.
Τ he civil service serves the government of the day, developing and implementing policy and delivering services to public. Should remain politically neutral and unchanged when the Government changes. -Civil service can refer to either a branch of governmental service in which individuals are employed on the basis of professional merit as proven by competitive examinations. Or …the body of employees in any government agency apart from the military, which is a separate extension of any national government. WHAT IS CIVIL SERVICE
WHAT CIVIL SERVANTS SHOULD DO According to the Greek Constitution (Article 103): 1. “Civil servants should be the executors of the will of the State and shall serve the people, owing allegiance to the Constitution and devotion to the Fatherland. The qualifications and the manner of their appointment shall be specified by the law’’. 2. “No may be appointed to a post not provided by the law. Special statutes may provide for exception in order to fill unforeseeable and urgent needs with personnel hired for a certain period of time on a private law contact”. In performance of their duties, civil servants shall be obliged to act in compliance with the principles of and protection of the legality public interest
WHAT CIVIL SERVANTS SHOULD DO According to the Greek Civil Servants’ Code of Ethics Civil servants should have respect for their mission which means that they should: i) Be loyal to their country and obey the Constitution and the laws. ii) Carry out their duties bearing always in mind the society's and the citizens’ rights. iii) Assert their legal rights, essential prerequisite for successfully accomplishing their task. Civil servants should fulfill their duties in the best possible way and work to achieve the best qualitative and quantitative results according to the objectives set by the service
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF CIVIL SERVANTS RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS Lifelong tenure which is constitutionally guaranteed Remuneration for their work, insurance and welfare benefits Right of strike (under restrictions) The right to the authority necessary to conduct their duties The right to participate in Unions Freedom of expression To abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations Political neutrality / non-partisanship To safeguard national security, honor, and interests To be honest and ethical To maintain state secrets To accept the supervision of the Public and serve the people Selflessness and impartiality