LSST SLAC Office of Communications August 8, 2016 Communications Roadmap
2 LSST Communications Proposal Objectives Increase visibility of LSST camera project and coordinate with project leads to promote LSST as top priority; system will produce deepest, widest, fastest views of the universe; camera will be largest ever built for ground-based optical astronomy Highlight milestones of camera construction at SLAC Explain camera technology Highlight other aspects of LSST with SLAC involvement Explain LSST science to media and general public Develop evergreen products to release at key moments Create written and multimedia resources that SLAC/LSST and media outlets can use for stories
3 Topics: LSST Technology Camera DOE-funded, assembly at SLAC Big Data Database built at SLAC (NSF funding) Other Mirrors, lenses, telescope site, etc. No SLAC involvement, but provides complete picture
4 Topics: LSST Science Dark Energy Science Collaboration (hosted by SLAC) Dark Energy Dark Matter Cosmology Milky Way Transient Events Near-Earth Objects
5 Items from Multimedia Comms Plan 3-D Camera Video Almost approved SLAC LSST Camera “Brochure” Website In progress Interactive Camera 2017
6 Milestones Camera Largest digital camera ever constructed for astrophysics 08/16 clean room activities begin, dewar/test bench ComCam, cryostat/grid arrive 02/17 test science raft, BOT/CCOB test stand, corner raft assembly, shutter verification unit 06/17 first production science raft delivered 07/17 camera integration stand ready, cryostat ready for test raft integration 10/17-07/18 things go into cryostat, refrigeration system moves into clean room 07/18 first corner raft (built at SLAC) goes into cryostat 01/19 ComCam (9 CCDs for telescope commissioning) ready to be shipped 02/19 shutter integrated 03/19 cryostat fully loaded with rafts, L3 lens delivered 05/19 filter exchange integrated 07/19 cryostat mated with camera, L1 and L2 delivered 08/19 final camera testing begins, camera control and data acquisition systems 02/20 camera ready for shipment
7 Milestones Database Data management: Computing resources, high-performance data processing and analysis system, SLAC works on database 11/16 Prototype data access center tests with SDSS data (~30 servers instead of 1) 2017 Prototype data access center with SDSS/WISE data (join surveys, new science) 2018 Level 1/alert production database commissioning ready; Qserv testing 50% DR Level 2/Qserv database commissioning ready; ComCam data 2020 Qserv testing 100% DR1 Dark Energy Science Collaboration Incremental creation/validation of data analysis/simulation pipelines, “Twinkles” mock survey has strong SLAC angle (SNIa, 10 years, 6 filters mock images) Q4/16-Q2/17Analysis Data Challenge 1 Q1/18-Q4/18Analysis Data Challenge 2 Q2/19-Q1/20Analysis Data Challenge 3 Q1/20-Q2/20ComCam Data Q3/21-Q4/21Science Verification Data
8 Jul/Aug/Sep /16 clean room activities begin, dewar/test bench ComCam, cryostat/grid arrive
9 Oct/Nov/Dec 2016 Q4/16-Q2/17 DESC Analysis Data Challenge 1 11/16 Prototype data access center tests with SDSS data News feature: Clean room activities (what’s happening, outlook, collaboration) Release brochure site Symmetry: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, DESC Twinkles mock survey NF/Infographic: Tests of prototype data access center underway; infographic: global data flow
10 Jan/Feb/Mar /17 first test science raft (ETU) tested, BOT/CCOB test stand ready for action, corner raft assembly starts, shutter verification unit tests News feature: Sensor tests underway Time-lapse footage of test systems Feature: Science with LSST (1) Clean room becomes stop for public tours (~LCLS downtime) 3-D camera movie available in VizLab and at IR-2
11 Apr/May/Jun /17 first production science raft delivered Feature: Science with LSST (2) News Feature: Analysis of First Round of DESC Data Challenges Wraps Up (what are DCs?)
12 Jul/Aug/Sept /17 camera integration stand ready, cryostat ready for test raft integration 2017 (TBD) Prototype data access center with SDSS/WISE data Release interactive camera model on brochure site Feature: LSST’s camera Video/animation: camera sensors – how they work Feature: Science with LSST (3) Symmetry: Data access center prototype built for LSST enables new science with old data
13 Oct/Nov/Dec /17-07/18 things go into cryostat, refrigeration system moves into clean room Periodic photo shoots and videos Feature: Science with LSST (4), topic could be LSST’s science collaborations – how do researchers prepare for science with LSST? Feature: How to keep LSST’s camera cold?
and beyond Periodic photo shoots/videos Continue “Science with LSST” series Feature: LSST Telescope (it’s more than a camera) Q1/18-Q4/18 DESC Analysis Data Challenge 2 News feature 07/18 first corner raft (built at SLAC) goes into cryostat Photos 2018 (TBD) Level 1/alert production database commissioning ready Feature about alert system 01/19 ComCam (9 CCDs for telescope commissioning) ready to be shipped [Press release/video when first data are taken (not until later in 2019): First LSST images] 02/19 shutter integrated 03/19 cryostat fully loaded with rafts, L3 lens delivered News feature, photos/video
and beyond (continued) Q2/19-Q1/20 DESC Analysis Data Challenge 3 05/19 filter exchange integrated Feature: Seeing in Different Wavelenghts, video/animation/timelapse 07/19 cryostat mated with camera, L1 and L2 delivered Photos 08/19 final camera testing begins, camera control and data acquisition systems News feature, interactive 2019 (TBD) Level 2/Qserv database commissioning ready; ComCam data [Include in ComCam story (below)]
and beyond (continued 2) Q1/20-Q2/20 DESC Analysis ComCam Data Press release: Analysis of first LSST data 02/20 camera ready for shipment Press release: Camera on its Way to Chile, video: camera overview with interviews Feature: Journey of the LSST Camera Next steps : TBD 2020 (TBD) Qserv testing 100% DR1 Feature about completion of tests, basically ready for LSST data