July Sian Jones, Policy Coordinator, European Anti Poverty Network EU Policy Update What way forward? 2a
Outline The Context – The EU in crisis The new policy drivers: 5 Presidents Report Investment package. Social Dimension and Employment Package EU Migration Agenda Developments on Europe 2020 and the Semester EAPN ACTION
The Context: EU in Crisis New Juncker Team faces new threats to EU future : GREXIT: Breakdown of negotiations with Greece, requiring unacceptable price for debt support. Greece calling referendum. MIGRATION: EU Migration Agenda proposals of obligatory sharing of quotas on refugees rejected, while 2000 drown in Med. BREXIT: New Conservative Government gets absolute majority in UK elections. Will have referendum on EU membership in CLOSER ECONOMIC UNION FOR THE EURO ZONE: New proposals under the 5 Presidents report, aims to move to joint economic decision-making, leaving non Euro zone in 2 nd tier. AUSTERITY, RESTRUCTURING, INVESTMENT, BUT NOT SOCIAL: Main focus is Investment package and economic governance. WHERE DOES EAPN STAND?
Main Policy Drivers: EU Investment Package Juncker’s Investment Plan for Europe (Nov 2014) aims at 3 strands: 1) mobiliizing 315 bn investment; 2) targeted initiatives 3) Measures to provide regulatory predictability/ tackle barriers to investment (ie single market). European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) (Jan 2015) –Sets framework and money for 1 and 2 and provides guarantee of 16 bn to support the 315 bn fund – mainly private leverage. –Establishes a governance framework with Steering Board, investment committee and accountabilty to EP. –Main projects funded: infrastructure, transport, energy, digital, with some investment in education, health, research and development Strengths: Could provide a bigger returns for public money, contributions will be deducted from deficit, complement EU initatives eg HORIZON also EaSI – microcredit. Weaknesses: Focus on infrastructure, not social or people; mainly private financing with little public money, no priority to poorer MS WHAT BENEFITS FOR ANTI-POVERTY POLICY OR NGOs ?
5 Presidents’ Report: Completing the EMU 5 President’s Report builds on ‘Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union/Commission’s Blue print for a deep and genuine EMU (June 2015) Aims to strengthen the Euro area and increase convergence and joint decisions through economic governance of fiscal and economic policies 3 stage timeline: 1st stage to 2017, using existing instruments and treaty, then white paper in Spring 2017 with legal common standards. Competitivness priority and new Competiveness Authorities, stronger macroeconomic imbalance with coordination through European Semester. EU to earn a Social Triple A? – unemployment, but support every citizen to access adequate education and an effective social protection system, …..including a social protection floor », but no concrete measures. Simplifying the Semester – fewer CSRs, and EURO zone first (Nov –March), followed by Country level. Increasing democratic accountability : more role for Parliament, but no mention of stakeholders..
Progress on Social Triple A ? Commissioners Social Orientation Debate June 9 led by Commissioners Thyssen and Dombrovskis. Economic policy on a par with social, with more focus on social dimension and impact but no SIA proposed. Goal is social convergence : job creation, updating employment rules, and sustainable social protection, but not AI Back EU Minimum standards – ie unemployment benefit, minimum income access to child/health care Social partners not NGOs - to get balance between competiveness and fairness. Timmermans focus on fundamental rights backed by new Ombudswomen, but contradictions of Austerity/Greece?
European Employment Strategy – EAPN’s Work on Employment Employability Package: Scheduled to come out over the summer, but not sure what it will contain; job creation initiative scrapped. EAPN contributed to a public consultation on Long-Term Unemployment (see here), as an initiative on this will be part of the Packagehere Mobility Package: Scheduled to come out in December EAPN attended a consultation meeting with the European Commission, about cross-border coordination (portability) of social security and the revision of the Posted Workers Directive ; a public consultation will follow. Employment Guidelines: New proposal for revised Guidelines put forward by the Commission in the Spring, now discussed in Parliament and Council EAPN prepared it own position on the Guidelines and sent a letter to MEPs ahead of the EMPL Committee vote (see here), also sent by UK, IE, PT, EShere Action on Living Wage: Simplified proposal for action September – December Inclusive Labour Markets: Position paper – draft before the end of the year
EU Migration Agenda 5 Pillar EU Agenda (23 April 2015). 1)Common European Asylum System – proposing quotas for different EU countries. 2)Increased Practical Assistence for MS facing brunt. 3)Increase cooperation with 3rd Countries – particularly N. Africa – ie investment, but also repatriation. 4)Encouraging legal migration for people with skills ie Blue Card scheme. 5)Secure Europe’s Borders: ie increase FRONTEX (90 ml EU) and to penalize traffickers. June European Council : Reject quotas, temporary relocation of , (not UK, IE and DK and financial support to ‘hotspots’; Return Directive; cooperation with countries of origin.
Europe 2020 – Timeline European Semester in the driving seat Nov: Annual Growth Survey sets key priorities March: Country Reports – Commission reviews progress March: Spring European Council key messages Mid April – MS present National Reform Programme (NRP) and Stability and Convergence Programme(SCP) May – Commission review NRPs and SCPs End May/June – Country-specific recommendations to June European Council – mainly focussed on macro-economic. Autumn – MS implement NRP/Recommendations 15 th October – Eurozone present budgets for approval On-going- Multi-lateral surveillance and exchange
New developments on Europe 2020 and the Semester. Changes to timing/process of Semester : with Country Reports in Feb – help MS to consult? Focus on investment, restructuring and reducing deficits from AGS 2015 Mid-Term Review postponed until end of year, with no justification offered.. Change in Integrated Guidelines from EU2020 to Juncker’s priorities. New slimmer CSRs reduced on poverty from 12 to 6, lack of coherence with mainly Employment.
EAPN Action and Approach Feb/March: Report: Members proposals on CSRs March: PR/ Letters to Spring EPSCO and Council May: Quick PR response to the CSRs June: More detailed response to CSRs sent with letter to EPSCO (May/June) April: Briefing on Investment Package and support to Social Platform May-June: Lobbying action on Integrated Guidelines with EP Continued work with Semester Alliance on CSRs and Investment Package
EAPN Main Messages Put social on a par with economic goals, backing a Europe 2020 vision of inclusive and sustainable growth and targets at heart. Move from austerity to social investment, backing access to quality jobs, social protection and services (integrated Active inclusion) financed by fair taxation. Give CSRs on poverty to all MS, and require an integrated antipoverty strategy Ensure that 20% of ESF is used effectively to support social inclusion beyond employment
Some steps forward ? Increase in recognition of EAPN/NGO engagement in Semester from Commission and Council EAPN President speaks to SPC - EAPN CSR National Bilateral meetings with EC on recommendations (PT, IE, ES) Invitation to participate in first ECFIN dialogue with national NGOs organized through European Semester Officers – (ES, PT, BE, DK, LT) Meetings with Commissioner Dombrovskis, Cabinets of Thyssen/Junker; Timmermans on fundamental rights/Semester But approach to Greece, shows that the EU agenda remains the same..
What way forward? What should our response be to the current crisis situation ? Are there new opportunities we can seize? Investment and Employment package? Structural Funds? Can we capitalize on increased support for stakeholder engagement to get more impact in the Semester/Europe 2020?
Thank you for your attention! For more information contact Sian Jones, EAPN Policy Coordinator