A Brief Look at Two Metropolises
The Statue of Liberty
The United States The United Kingdom Japan The People’s Republic of China France Russia Australia Washington London Tokyo Beijing Paris Moscow Canberra South Korea Seoul Match the capitals with its countries
Scan the text and say in which city you can find the following: skyscrapers double-deckers Covent garden Slums New York: London: skyscrapers
The city of… (A. New York B. London) 1._____ is home to the headquarters of a famous international organization. 2._____ might attract those who are interested in how people lived in the past. 3._____ has many places for people to enjoy themselves. 4._____ seems to have more problems than the other city. 5._____ has a very good public transportation system. 6._____ is suitable for people who enjoy an exciting quick-paced modern life. 7._____ in many ways is both ancient and modern. Skim the text and decide which city is being described in each of the following statements: A B A/B A B A B
New York: Features( 特点 ): · As one of the ______ and _______ capitals of the _____ ______. · Location of ____________ · With many places of interest: parks, ________,art galleries,________ and cinemas. Problems: _______, ______, ______, ______ and slums. Conclusion: An exciting city that can always catch the attention of people. financialcultural Western World the UN Headquarters great museumsgrand theatres Noiseair pollutioncrimetraffic jam
London: Features: As a city which has gone through many changes: --- Common sights in the second half of the 20th century---double-deckers, and _________________ As a city which has kept its heart: ---- People relaxing in the narrow roads to ________ Problems: _____ traffic, crowded shops and ____________ in some areas. Conclusion: A city with a long history underground trains churches Heavydirty streets
Could you Say something about Shanghai: Cues : Size: (3 million square kilometers) Population: (more than 19 million) Traffic: Problems: Conclusion:
“Better City, Better Life” is the slogan for Shanghai Expo 2010.But according to the problems you have mentioned just now, how to make our city better?
Assignments: 1. Read the text after the tape. 2. Finish C1 and C2 on Page 100.