Key Action 1 – Higher education student and staff mobility Rebecca Rogers
The new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport
Overall objectives Boost skills and employability Modernise education, training and youth work Focus on young people Easier to access, with simpler funding structure
Key facts Cross-sectoral structure based on ‘Key Actions’ Worth €940m to UK over seven years Replaces Lifelong Learning Programme, Youth in Action and other EU programmes
Erasmus+ is ‘the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport’
European policy context EU2020 (2009) EU Youth Strategy (2009) Developing European Dimensions in Sport (2011) ET2020 (2012) Rethinking Education (2012) European Structural & Investment Funds (2014)
Overall budget breakdown
Education and training breakdown
Key Actions
Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform Some activities managed centrally, ie not by National Agencies Organisation, not individual applications No funding for preparatory visits
Key Action 1 - Which actions are supported? Mobility projects in the field of education training and youth. Large scale EVS events Joint Masters Degrees Master Student Loan Guarantee
Mobility Projects for Higher Education Students and Staff
General eligibility criteria for an applicant organisation Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) Participant Identification Code (PIC) Grant Application deadline 17 March (midday Brussels time) Inter-institutional agreements for student study and staff teaching Learning agreements / mobility agreements
What is the role of the applicant organisation? Follow the ‘quality framework’ as set out in the ECHE Applying for the mobility project Signing and managing the grant agreement Reporting to the National Agency
Student mobility Study period abroad at a partner HEI Traineeship abroad in an enterprise
Student mobility eligibility criteria Students at all levels of higher education Recent graduates (traineeships only) 12 months per study cycle (includes participation in LLP) From 3 to 12 months for studies From 2 to 12 months for traineeships
Student mobility eligibility criteria Learning Agreement Recognition For study students must be in their second year of study or higher For traineeships students are eligible from the first year of study
Student mobility funding Monthly grant – study (page 43) Group 1 countries - €400 per month Group 2 and 3 countries - €350 per month Students from disadvantaged backgrounds (WP) - €100 per month supplementary grant Widening participation (study only) Top-up for traineeships
Student mobility funding Monthly grant - traineeships Group 1 countries - €500* per month Group 2 and 3 countries - €450* per month * Includes a monthly top-up of €100
Linguistic support Online courses through EC tool Mandatory assessment prior to mobility and upon return Voluntary courses Available in the 5 main languages – EN, DE, FR, ES, IT Funding for other languages from organisational support budget
Staff mobility Teaching period at a partner HEI Training period e.g training events (excluding conferences), job shadowing 2 days to 2 months (excluding travel days) Minimum 8 teaching hours per week.
Staff mobility funding Travel (page 45) Unit costs (flat rates) - Paid according to distance travelled. Distance calculator will be provided by EC Subsistence (page 46) Unit costs – dependant on receiving country Travel days are not eligible for subsistence payments.
Organisational support grant for HEIs (page 41) A contribution to any cost incurred by the HEI in relation to activities in support of student and staff mobility Up to 100 th participant - €350 per participant Beyond 100 th participant - €200 per participant Higher than LLP to accommodate for preparatory visits and linguistic preparation
General info Call for Proposals and Programme guide released in December plus/index_en.htm plus/index_en.htm Applications not yet open but pdf forms available on above pages so that organisations can familiarise themselves Applications will be online – expected to open at end of January
ECAS and PICs Before being able to apply for Erasmus+ funding organisations online Register your organisation on the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS), if not already registered. For guidance on registration, see our How to Register on ECAS video and guideEuropean Commission Authentication Service (ECAS)How to Register on ECAS Log in to the Participant Portal with your ECAS account details and register your organisation on the Unique Registration Facility (URF) to obtain your unique Participant Identification Code (PIC), if not already registered. The European Commission has produced a Participant Portal User Manual to help guide you through the process of registering on the portal.Participant PortalUnique Registration Facility (URF)Participant Portal User Manual
Lots of information including Call for Proposals and Programme Guide on EC site EC twitter and Facebook: All key information being added to UK website, (UK website) – this is the best way of getting information about the programme #erasmusplusuk – BC/Ecorys hashtag British Council Customer Services Erasmus Helpdesk