1 Villa Laguna MXD3 Site Plan Review
2 Request: The applicant is requesting site plan review of a proposed mixed-use project pursuant to the recently adopted MXD3 overlay zoning district provisions contained in Section 3-5(d) of the Zoning Code. The applicant is requesting site plan review of a proposed mixed-use project pursuant to the recently adopted MXD3 overlay zoning district provisions contained in Section 3-5(d) of the Zoning Code. The proposed mixed-use project consists of a 10 story building containing ground floor retail, 3 floors of parking and 6 floors of multi-family residential units. The proposed mixed-use project consists of a 10 story building containing ground floor retail, 3 floors of parking and 6 floors of multi-family residential units.
3 Background The property is located one block north of the Village of Merrick Park, and 1 and 2 story commercial buildings occupy the site. The property is located one block north of the Village of Merrick Park, and 1 and 2 story commercial buildings occupy the site. The property has “Industrial” land use and zoning designations, which are the appropriate designations for an MXD3 project. The property has “Industrial” land use and zoning designations, which are the appropriate designations for an MXD3 project. The site is one acre in size, and occupies a majority of the west half of the block. The site is one acre in size, and occupies a majority of the west half of the block. “Village Place”, a 10 story MXD3 mixed-use project has been approved for the east half of the block and has similar size and massing to this proposal. “Village Place”, a 10 story MXD3 mixed-use project has been approved for the east half of the block and has similar size and massing to this proposal.
4 Proposed project 10 story / 100’ high building (125’ high including architectural elements). 10 story / 100’ high building (125’ high including architectural elements). 152,250 sq. ft. in size (3.5 FAR), including 20,478 sq. ft. of ground floor retail. 152,250 sq. ft. in size (3.5 FAR), including 20,478 sq. ft. of ground floor retail. 96 multi-family residential units located on the top 6 floors of the building. 96 multi-family residential units located on the top 6 floors of the building. 268 parking spaces on 3 garage levels (10 spaces more than required by Code). 268 parking spaces on 3 garage levels (10 spaces more than required by Code). Public ROW streetscape improvements, land- scaping and public realm amenities provided. Public ROW streetscape improvements, land- scaping and public realm amenities provided.
5 Review criteria: The Planning Department compared the applicant’s plans with the MXD3 review criteria set out in the Zoning Code, and has determined the following: The Planning Department compared the applicant’s plans with the MXD3 review criteria set out in the Zoning Code, and has determined the following: Proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of the MXD3 provisions, and provides for public improvements and benefit. Proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of the MXD3 provisions, and provides for public improvements and benefit. Proposal does not depart significantly from current zoning and subdivision regulations. Proposal does not depart significantly from current zoning and subdivision regulations. Proposal makes adequate provisions for public services and amenities. Proposal makes adequate provisions for public services and amenities.
6 Review criteria (cont.): Project is compatible with surrounding properties and buffered from residential neighborhood to the north by an existing commercial use. Project is compatible with surrounding properties and buffered from residential neighborhood to the north by an existing commercial use. Project has the same building height, setbacks and massing as the approved MXD3 project on west half of this block. Project has the same building height, setbacks and massing as the approved MXD3 project on west half of this block. Project is being developed in conformance with the voluntary MXD3 overlay provisions, as adopted. Project is being developed in conformance with the voluntary MXD3 overlay provisions, as adopted.
7 Review criteria (cont.): Required traffic studies and improvements are intended to provide assurances that public purposes and benefits are realized. Required traffic studies and improvements are intended to provide assurances that public purposes and benefits are realized.
8 Previous reviews: The Development Review Committee reviewed the project on June 24, The Development Review Committee reviewed the project on June 24, The Board of Architects approved the project for Mediterranean architectural style on August 11, The Board of Architects approved the project for Mediterranean architectural style on August 11, The Board of Adjustment granted variances on February 6, 2006 for street level arcade height and building setback above the 3 rd floor. The Board of Adjustment granted variances on February 6, 2006 for street level arcade height and building setback above the 3 rd floor.
9 Finding of fact: Proposed project is consistent with CLUP goals, objectives and polices. Proposed project is consistent with CLUP goals, objectives and polices. Recommended conditions of approval address identified CLUP inconsistencies. Recommended conditions of approval address identified CLUP inconsistencies. Proposal satisfies MXD3 review criteria. Proposal satisfies MXD3 review criteria. A building of approximately the same size and massing could be built on this property as-of- right. A building of approximately the same size and massing could be built on this property as-of- right. The applicant has proffered significant off-site public ROW improvements. The applicant has proffered significant off-site public ROW improvements.
10 Findings of fact (cont.): The applicant is providing public realm improvements on surrounding streets in compliance with MXD3 Master Streetscape Plan. The applicant is providing public realm improvements on surrounding streets in compliance with MXD3 Master Streetscape Plan. This proposal adds a residential component to support commercial uses, and creates a “walk- able” pedestrian environment. This proposal adds a residential component to support commercial uses, and creates a “walk- able” pedestrian environment. The applicant has addressed all comments provided by City Departments. The applicant has addressed all comments provided by City Departments.
11 Staff recommendation: The Planning Department recommends approval of the proposed mixed-use site plan with the following conditions: The Planning Department recommends approval of the proposed mixed-use site plan with the following conditions: Conformance with the site plan, landscaping plan and all representations and exhibits prepared and submitted by the applicant. Conformance with the site plan, landscaping plan and all representations and exhibits prepared and submitted by the applicant. All conditions of approval shall be included within a Restrictive Covenant that shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. All conditions of approval shall be included within a Restrictive Covenant that shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.
12 Conditions: Miami Dade County School Board shall review and determine impacts of project, and any required mitigation. Miami Dade County School Board shall review and determine impacts of project, and any required mitigation. City Commission review and approval of any proposed ROW encroachments. City Commission review and approval of any proposed ROW encroachments. All landscaping and streetscape improve- ments shall be in accordance with the MXD3 Master Streetscape Plan. All landscaping and streetscape improve- ments shall be in accordance with the MXD3 Master Streetscape Plan. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with installation and maintenance of all approved landscaping. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with installation and maintenance of all approved landscaping.
13 Conditions (cont.): Applicant shall reimburse the City for the loss of 8 on-street parking spaces. Applicant shall reimburse the City for the loss of 8 on-street parking spaces. Conduct warrant studies for 3 Altara Avenue intersections and provide required traffic and pedestrian improvements, as warranted. Conduct warrant studies for 3 Altara Avenue intersections and provide required traffic and pedestrian improvements, as warranted. Comply with City’s affordable housing provisions when adopted, retroactive for up to 1 year after issuance of a building permit. Comply with City’s affordable housing provisions when adopted, retroactive for up to 1 year after issuance of a building permit. City resolution of existing citywide concurrency deficit for racquetball courts. City resolution of existing citywide concurrency deficit for racquetball courts.
14 Timeline: MXD3 site plan approval is granted by resolution, requiring only one public hearing before the City Commission. MXD3 site plan approval is granted by resolution, requiring only one public hearing before the City Commission. This application has been tentatively scheduled to be heard by the City Commission on Tuesday, February 28, This application has been tentatively scheduled to be heard by the City Commission on Tuesday, February 28, 2006.