Broward County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (BCRSEF) Secondary Science Supervisor: Dr. Merilyn Johnson Co-Directors: Kettyna Bellabe and Tammy Barnes 1
Table of Contents 2016 2016 Broward County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (BCRSEF) Goals & Objectives Resources Why research? NEW Categories Required Forms Research Plan/Post Project Summary Approved research sites Abstract The Process & the Display Boards BCRSEF Timeline Websites 2
Broward County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (BCRSEF) Goal: 1.To connect students with resources in the community to facilitate knowledge development and skills at an expert level Objectives: To have students engage in scientific practices 3
Helpful Resources 4 SSEF: ISEF: isef BROWARDSTEM: neral/science-student-competitions/science- science-fair/
Additional Resources Science Fair Website ( competitions/science-science-fair/)Website State Science Fair Resources ( 5
What’s In It for Me? 6
RSEF/SSEF New Categories Animal Science Behavioral and Social Sciences Biomedical and Health Sciences Cellular and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Chemistry Earth and Environmental Sciences Engineering Environmental Engineering Mathematics and Computational Sciences Intelligent machines, Robotics and Systems Software Microbiology Physics and Astronomy Plant Science
8 Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1) Student Checklist (1A) Approval Form (1B) Risk Assessment Form (3)
MUST READ: ISEF rules pg: 8-10, 20, 30 Forms: 4 & Informed Consent. SSEF Supp. Pg: 5 Form: VICF DO NOT contact potential participants until approved by IRB. Consent Form has ALL potential risks clearly identified and is signed PRIOR to participation. Students 18 or younger are minors and need parental permission. NEW FORM VIFC form + 1 Redacted consent form needed for BCRSEF check-in (No name to be seen – NEED Date). Informed consent form MUST be kept confidential and for 3 yrs by researcher. NO Expedited IRB Review Human Participants Rules MUST READ: ISEF rules pg: 11-13, 20-21, 30 Forms: 3, 5A or 5B. SSEF Supp. Pg: 3 Form: Mortality Report. Pg. 11 item 4: Explain use of vertebrates in method. Can’t release non-natives in environment. Observational projects = NO SRC approval but supervision needed Care for animals MUST be described in method. Any death due to experiment = disqualification & MUST be investigated by a QUALIFIED ADULT (necropsy needed) Animal care reference included in bibliography. Complete SSEF Mortality Report after EACH experimentation. Animal care after experiment MUST be on Form 5A Vertebrate Animal Rules MUST READ: ISEF rules pg: 14-17, 21, 30 Forms: 6A & 6B SSEF Supp.: pg 4-5 Form: BSL1 or BSL2 Laboratory Checklist. Use of E. coli requires prior SRC approval. NO BSL2 usage in middle school. Description of collection, aseptic techniques and disposal methods MUST be included in Research Plan (Method). Reference aseptic techniques and standard procedures in Bibliography. If using BLEACH = Hazardous Chemical. MUST submit a Facilities & Operations Assessment form for BSL1 or BSL2. Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Rules MUST READ: ISEF rules pg: 18-22, 30 Forma: 3. SSEF Supp. Pg 4. MUST be reviewed by SRC Prior to experimentation. MUST include risk & safety precautions on form 3 & within method in Research Plan and have safety references (pg 21-22) MSDS/SDS evaluated for EVERY chemical used. Supervising Adult MUST assist in completing form 3 and be the Designated Supervisor. Proprietary materials MUST be honored but if hazardous QS or DS must provide letter. Need safe range with Range Safety Officer. Hazardous Chemicals, Activities or Device Rules State Science & Engineering Fair (SSEF) Rules Supplement 2016 Roles and Responsibilities of Students and Adults 9
Form 4 requires review by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). An IRB requires at least three members not associated with student’s research in order to rule out a conflict of interest. Note that “Specialist” must have credentials in area being reviewed. Broward Regional Fair will not be accepting expedited reviews. Form 4 must be completed AND SRC approval must be obtained before projects involving humans may begin.
Research Plan is required of all projects. Rationale … Brief synopsis of the background that supports the research problem and explain why this research is important scientifically. BCRSEF Research Plan Template Use BCRSEF Research Plan Template. Has NO graph, NO tables…it’s a plan Post Project Summary is required of all projects, written after project is done. Separate with statistics…more than what’s on the abstract (Data Analysis).
Research sites Examples of non- regulated sites Home School Farm Ranch Field Examples of regulated site Universities Colleges Government research agencies Private research laboratories / hospitals dates
2016 SSEF Abstract is required of all projects. 1/3/ /2016_state_abstract. pdf Original will be reviewed and certified on check-in day (2/4/16). This certified abstract is to be placed in the lower left hand corner of researcher’s display or on a none glass frame.
The Process 14
REVISED! Science Fair sample display board 15
NEW! Engineering sample display board 16
BCRSEF Timeline BCRSEF Registration Deadline 1/26/16 BDRSEF Check- in 2/4/16 BCRSEF Judging Day 2/5/16 BCRSEF Project Pickup 2/7/16 BCRSEF Award Ceremony 3/16/16 17
Become familiar with ISEF and SSEF Rules and Guidelines… rg/intel-isef and rg/intel-isef rg/intel-isef Students should…
Internet Sites 19 Biological Safety Level sites… ISEF Rules on the Web…