Science Fair Coordinators Meeting Thurs. Sep. 1, 2016 FCPS Central Complex A4 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Who’s Who in the Fauquier County Regional Science & Engineering Fair School: Science Fair Coordinator: Fauquier High School Mrs. Debbie Fisher Kettle Run High School Ms. Nikki Jenkins Liberty High School Ms. Jen Clark Dr. Allen Atkins Mountain Vista Gov. School Mrs. Dee Thompson Homeschooling Representative Mrs. Kelly Zieg Wakefield School Auburn Middle School Ms. Shannon Sowala Cedar Lee Middle School Mrs. Bobbi Lynn Hauser Highland School Mrs. Erica Deane Marshall Middle School Mrs. Ashley Bringenberg Taylor Middle School Mrs. Sarah Cheatwood Warrenton Middle School Mrs. Kay White Mountainside Montessori Ms. Janelle Stewart Mr. Jeff Wolfe Ms. Amanda Hess & Ms. Janelle Sutton Providence Christian Academy Dr. Young Shin Midland Christian Academy Mrs. Becky Mullins ***************************************************** Regional Fair Director Mrs. Chandra Wilkemeyer Assistant Fair Director/ Mrs. Dee Thompson Jr. Div. Head Judge Private/Home School Coordinator Mrs. Erica Deane /Sr. Div. Head Judge FCPS Instructional Supervisor Mrs. Pam Pulver for Science, Health & PE
Helps involve students in differentiated STEM activities. Helps boost science understanding (and future SOL scores). View 2016 Highlights Video Why is the Fair important?
Flow of Science & Engineering Fairs Classroom Fairs Classroom "Fairs" School Fairs Middle Schools: Select 6 th - 8 th graders High Schools: 9 th -12 th graders Regional Fair Jr. Div. – 6 th -8 th Sr. Div. – 9 th - 12 th *Projects may be selected from each middle school to go on to the Regional Fair *10 projects will be selected from the Jr. Div. to earn a cash prize and participate in Broadcom Masters
Advanced Fair Opportunities Regional FairsState Fairs Intel ISEF: International Science and Engineering Fair Junior Division Only (Grades 6-8) Senior Division Only (Grades 9-12) Both Divisions (Grades 6-12) Legend:
New This Year! We’ve Separated the Fairs! Senior Division Fair: Saturday, March 11, 2017 *No setup the evening prior Junior Division Fair: Saturday, April 29, 2017 *No Setup the evening prior High School Science teachers judging? *Anticipated Schedule: Morning setup, judging, break for lunch, awards after Same Venue for each: Fauquier High School Cafeteria
Jr. Division Fairs: Classroom Fairs: end of March 2017, winners go to: School Fairs: early April. 2017, winners go to: Regional Fair: (deadline to register is April 21 st, 2017) Jr. REGIONAL FAIR: Saturday, April 29 (FHS Cafeteria) Broadcom Masters: June Sr. Division Fairs: School Fairs: mid February 2017, winners go to: Regional Fair: (deadline to register is March 3 rd, 2017) Sr. REGIONAL FAIR: Saturday, March 11 (FHS Cafeteria) State Science & Engineering Fair: March 25th Timeline of Fairs:
Cash Prizes Cash prizes will total $2,200 Our 2017 Head Judges: Dee Thompson – Junior Division Judge from Mtn. Vista Governor’s School Erica Deane – Senior Division Judge from Highland School FirstSecondThirdHon. Mention Senior Div.$ 500$ 350$ 200$ 150 Junior Div.$100 for the top 10 projects
Possible Timeline Senior Division Setup 8-9 Judging – 9:30-11:30 Awards – 1-2 Junior Division Setup 8-9 Judging – 9:30 – 1:30 (4 hours) *Requires a large # of judges Awards – 3-4 Because there are so many middle schools, 12 students from each school creates a logistical issue with acquiring enough judges and getting everyone properly judged in a timely manner.
Flow of Science & Engineering Fairs School Fairs Middle Schools: Select 6 th - 8 th graders High Schools: 9 th -12 th graders Regional Fair Jr. Div. – 6 th -8 th Sr. Div. – 9 th - 12 th *12 projects may be selected from each school to go on to the Regional Fair
Prize $ for School Fairs MS – please do not offer cash prizes, recognition through announcements, certificates, maybe a medal should be sufficient since it is required. HS – prize $ may encourage participation since it’s not required, but is up to individual schools to raise it. Keep it modest. $100 first, $50 second, $25 for third.
Communications Please check your school calendars and let me know the date you select for your school fair so I can post them on the Fauquier Science Fair website. Book the date with your librarian/school Remember to schedule a snow date!
Your Web Resources: Web resources - Points to Intel ISEF Resources Points to other web links Access to resources from teachers created for past and present fairs
Coordinator’s Duties: Communicate With your school’s administration With parents and the community With students and other teachers / librarians / ITRT’s Promote Announcements Programs / newsletters / bulletins School paper or school website Educate/support Set up regular club meetings to offer assistance to students as needed Facilitate relationships between them and an appropriate adult sponsor Assist timely paperwork completion by all science fair participants
Coordinator’s Duties: Regulate Teachers evaluate all projects for potential risks – check the Intel ISEF Handbook for help with this. At the HS level - Form a building-wide SRC/IRB Projects with risk/danger/humans/vertebrates need preapproval before beginning Host The school level Fair Parents / teachers / Judges Organize judging process Judges can come from the community, other grade level science teachers, etc Find local community sponsors for food, certificates and medals if desired
Help us get students excited about the Regional Science Fair by getting your students to submit a button design. The winning button design will be mass produced and used by the top Sr. Fair winner for the pin exchange at Intel ISEF in Los Angeles in May. The top prize is a $25 gift certificate Visit and click on contests to participate in the Button Contest. Contest Science Fair Fun
Upcoming SBO: Thurs. Oct. 6, 4:00-5:30 pm Central Complex Room A4 Wed. Nov. 9, 4:00-5:30 pm Central Complex Room A3 Button Design Contest – November/December timeframe: Use in ISEF in Los Angeles in May 2017 $ 25 Gift Certificate for 1 st Place Questions or concerns?
Promotional Items Videos ISEF Booklets Brochures Folders Posters T-shirts for newbies!!
Communications Marshall Middle School Hosts Parent Info Night -Huge turnout of teachers, students and parents -All grade levels -Question & Answer time -Support material
Ashley Bringenberg Science Projects 101 Marshall Middle School Science Fair Project Information Session I’ve Chosen a Project, Now What?
For Discussion: MS presentations: Exhibition of 6 th & 7 th grade projects Digital Science Fair option Science Fair of projects to be judged
SRC/IRBs? Every High School is to have its own SRC/IRB Review Board, which can be one in the same. IRB – evaluates any project using human subjects (even for surveys) An educator School administrator (Principal or AP) Medical or Health Professional (Dr. Nurse, Psychologist, social worker or counselor) SRC – evaluate projects involving vertebrate animals and/or potentially hazardous biological agents. (THESE MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE EXPERIMENTATION BEGINS!!!) An educator Biomedical scientist with a doctorate 1 additional member with expertise in specific areas of study ex. Veterinarian or assistant. Documented phone consults are sufficient here. Adult sponsors/supervisors may not serve on these boards due to potential conflicts of interest.
Required Sr. Div. Paperwork See Intel ISEF Handbook for required paperwork. Required ISEF Forms Chart