1 MLA London: Skilled for Health project Based on MLA London’s Skills for Life project A partnership between MLA London, the London Libraries Development Agency and London Health Commission
2 What is Skilled for Health DHDfES ContinYou Skilled for Health The national strategy for integrating health and learning skills
3 Skilled for Health Project It aims to tackle health inequalities by improving the literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) of adults
4 Skilled for Health - original projects The first wave pilot projects were in: Calderdale: older people and their paid carers Camden: older Bangladeshi women with diabetes Derbyshire: older people and physical activity Harlow: a family learning Leicester: Somalian refugees. Norfolk: older people with arthritis Shropshire: mental health Thurrock: a family learning
5 Skilled for Health - new national projects Extending the activities using the materials in new locations 2 Prisons in Islington Royal Mail Nottingham City Council staff Libraries in 5 London boroughs Others still in discussion
6 Why libraries? Libraries are already being used for health information bibliotherapy, books on prescription, patient information, patient choice The sector is motivated and involved There is the potential for national roll out through the MLA Partnership
7 MLA London: Skilled for Health in libraries project Testing in London the effectiveness of the public library sector in delivering the Skilled for Health learning materials, and the effectiveness of the learning materials when delivered in library settings, by Using the Skilled for Health materials for embedded learning within the library sector in London, as part of MLA London’s Libraries 4 Learning programme
8 Skilled for Health project: Main elements of the project Establishing test Skilled for Health sites in five London boroughs – Barking, Ealing, Newham, Islington & Tower Hamlets Organisation of skilled for health activities in libraries and museums, using the materials, delivered by SfL & SfH staff Training Library staff in Skilled for Health delivery
9 Skilled for Health project: other elements of the project Considering potential for further rollout in libraries and museums Using the project to assess the materials themselves and need for the development of additional materials Establishing potential areas of linkage with other projects working in similar areas
10 Selecting areas for the project Indicators we looked at: London Health Commission’s health inequalities indicators Census health data Census skills data Target groups
11 Staffing Recruitment of a health development worker Recruitment of local teaching staff to deliver the training
12 For more info contact Margaret Siudek, S4L Manager based at MLA London,