CSci4211: Logistics1 CSci4211: Introduction to Computer Networks Welcome to Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm Wednesday Location: Vincent Hall 16 Fall credit.


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Presentation transcript:

CSci4211: Logistics1 CSci4211: Introduction to Computer Networks Welcome to Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm Wednesday Location: Vincent Hall 16 Fall credit

CSci4211: Logistics2 Who Are We Instructor: Zhi-Li Zhang Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Minnesota Office: Keller Hall 6-187/DTC 489 Phone URL

CSci4211: Logistics3 Who Are We Co-Instructor: Cheng Jin Teaching TA and Senior Ph.D Student Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Minnesota Office: DTC Office Hour Location: Keller-Hall 6-196

CSci4211: Logistics4 Who Are We TA 1 (50%): Pariya (Paris) Babaie Ph.D Student, Dept. CSE Office: DTC B32 TA2 (50%): Anas Saeed Ph.D Student, Dept. CSE Office: DTC B32 Office Hours Location: Keller Hall 1 st TA Station

CSci4211: Logistics5 What is Csci4211 about?  First (Introductory) Networking Course  We’ll learn about  Fundamental principles and concepts in computer networks  How Internet works  Focus on network software architecture and mechanisms  hands-on experiences  via programing projects, wireshark exercises, etc.  Who is it for?  CSci, CE or EE undergraduate students

CSci4211: Logistics6 Course Prerequisite  Algorithms, Computer Architecture, OS  Not necessary, but helpful  Basic knowledge of probability  Programming experience in Python/Java More importantly  Willing to learn and work hard  Love to ask questions and solve problems

CSci4211: Logistics7 Course Materials  Required Textbook:  Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by Jim Kurose and Keith Ross, 7 th edition Pearson  Website: Networking-A-Top-Down-Approach-7th-Edition/PGM html  Other Useful Textbooks:  Computer Networks by Andrew Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall,  and many others!  Class Notes and other assigned readings

Lecture Notes Lecture notes will be posted on the class website –Lecture notes provide you an “outline” of the key concepts and materials we will cover in lectures May also contain some supplementary information no in the textbooks –will be posted before class, so please read them before the class if possible! If you want hardcopy, you must print your own. This includes class notes and assignment specifications. –may be updated slightly after lectures Lecture notes are mostly based on the lecture notes by the authors, which you can find on the textbook website –and with many other useful materials!

CSci4211: Logistics9 Class Information  Class Website :   Announcement Page  Check the web page periodically  Class Google Group Mailing List: -- will add you directly using your UMN address  Help Hot Line:

CSci4211: Logistics10 Course Requirements  Do assigned readings  Be prepared, read textbook/lecture notes before class  Attend and participate in class activities  Please ask and answer questions in (and out of) class!  Let’s try to make the class interactive and fun!  Workload  Two homework assignments (“mock” exams): 10% each  Four (small) “hands-on” programming projects: 8-9% each, 35%  Two “take-home” quizzes: 10% each  One final exam: 25%  Grade not based on curve  Everybody can get a A if you work for it!  must pass one of the quizzes and the final exam to obtain a passing grade !!!

CSci4211: Logistics11 “Hands-on” Experiences  It makes no sense to learn about networking without “getting your hands dirty”  Four “small” (individual) programming projects  Emulate some key mechanisms/algorithms learned in lectures  DNS, TCP, routing and LAN switches  Several “hands-on,” interactive lectures (led by TAs)  Capture and go over “real-network” traces using Wireshark  Run emulations or experiments (e.g., using Mininet or GENI)  Quick Q&As a la Jeopardy, and other “fun” exercises  Also help with programming projects  Extra-credit GENI (or mininet) experiments/exercises  GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation) Testbed  Allow you to set up “toy” networks and run experiments, or deploy your own algorithms and test them  Will set accounts for you if interested -- details will follow

(Reference) Final Letter Grade Criteria [ ] A [ ) A- [ ) B+ [ ) B [ ) B- [ ) C+ [ ) C [ ) C- [ ) D+ [ ) D [ ) F Grades are to help you check how much you have learned, where your weaknesses lie. No competition among members of the class! Everybody have a chance to get A if you work for it Depends on the situations/progress, extra credit would be available

CSci4211: Logistics13 Policies and Guidelines  Penalty on late homework/projects:  Please start working on your hw & programming assignments early and hand them in on time!  Penalty: one day late 10% deduction, thereafter each extra late day 15% deduction. No credit if more than three-days late unless prior arrangements are made.  Make-up exams: only if final conflicts  Incomplete: not granted, unless  proof of emergency, “agreement for incomplete” form  Scholastic behavior:  You are encouraged to study in groups, but do your work independently!  Acknowledge reference/credit if receive help!  University’s code of conduct enforced!

Tentative Schedule Webpage CSci4211: Logistics14 Course Overview  Introduction: what is computer network/Internet?  Application Layer and Internet Applications  web, , DNS, BSD socket programming interface  Transport Layer  UDP, TCP, reliable transfer protocols, congestion control  Network Layer  Data Plane vs. Control Plane, Service models, SDN  IP addressing, forwarding, NAT, etc.  routing algorithms & routing protocol, SDN controller, mininet  Data Link Layer and Mobile Wireless Networks  Media Access Ctrl, Local Area Networks (Ethernet), Switches, WiFi, Cellular Networks, Mobility Management  Summary: Putting Everything Together

CSci4211: Logistics15 Important Dates (Tentative) TaskOut Date Due DateGrade Written HW Assignment 1 14 th Sep7 th Oct10% Project 121 st Sep10 th Oct8% Take-home Quiz I12 th Oct14 th Oct10% Project 212 th Oct31 st Oct9% Written Hw Assignment 2 26 st Oct18 st Nov10% Project 32 nd Nov14 st Nov9% Take-home Quiz II22 nd Nov28 st Nov10% Project 416 th Nov9 th Dec9% Final Exam21 st Dec (in class) 6:30pm- 8:30pm 25%

CSci4211: Logistics16 Ways to you reach me 1. My Regular Office Hours: 16:00PM-17:00PM, Wednesday; KH My On-demand Office Hours by appointment 3. Personal 4. Help-Hot Line: 5. Telephone Class mailing list (I will keep monitoring) 7. Catch me before and after class

CSci4211: Logistics 17 Ways you reach Co-Instructor & TAs Office Hours (still tentative):  Cheng Jin: Thu 2:00pm – 3:00pm, KH  Pariya Babaie: Mon 3pm-4pm, Wed 11am-12pm  Anas Saeed: Tue 4pm-5pm ; Fri 10am-11am  On-demand Office Hours by appointment  Help-Hot Line:  Class forum  Tell us if you have any concern and complain about TA performance

CSci4211: Logistics18 Ways we reach you 1. Lecture 2. & Class mailing list 3. Website (esp. announcement page) 4. Handouts include assignments/projects 5. In-class survey 6. Office hours, before & after lectures 7. Quizzes & Exam

CSci4211: Logistics19 Questions?

CSci4211: Logistics20 Class Registration and Questionaire  Information about you  Background Survey

CSci4211: Logistics21 Tips for Doing Well  Realize what is involved and prepare ahead  Stay current and get feedback  Ask and answer questions  Participate in the class  Extra credit could be available for in-class participation  Use different learning strategies  Know what to expect from exams  45% grade comes from exams.  Persist  In case of serious difficulties:  Remember you can always withdraw Attention: students with learning or other disabilities, please notify us ahead of time; special arrangements will be made!