TIME : September 2011 until December 2012
› Gender inequal causes women to often marginalized women sexuality and reproductive health is ignored › Gender effect on behavior, including sexual behavior and “health seeking behavior” a person. › Women have been regarded as the second class, it is obviously a big impact for women, she often marginalized, in effecting steotipe, subordinated and receive various forms of violence and other injustices. including the reproductive health problems › Reproductive health have only seen as part of the physical health of women particularly those associated with certain diseases. Such presumption is causing all sorts relating to women's reproductive female is seen as a personal problem.
Many women do not understand the issues of reproductive organs and they are often disadvantaged in this reproductive activity. Patriarchal culture is still deeply rooted in society often puts women in a weak position to exercise control over their reproductive organs. Women do not have to vote in determining when he want to become pregnant or using contraceptives
In the marital relationship as well, husband of determining when to contact or to abstain from activities and how it's done. so that when a husband who happened to be carrying sexually transmitted diseases from outside the home, women are vulnerable to infection, because she did not have choices and do not have autonomy There is need to improving awareness of women reproductive health for women activies and mambers union. Reproductive health issue need to be included on CBA
TARGET GROUP: 300 members (70% women) from Jakarta, East Java and North Sumatera 15 persons of Gender Equallity Commission on 3 provinces PARTIES INVOLVED: Federation affiliated of KSBSI Manpower Departement ILO Jakarta
Increasing knowledge leadership of union and members of OSH and HIV/AIDS Preventing of reproductive diseases and HIV/AIDS
Increasing capasity building 300 members on 3 provinces Create 15 Trainers of OSH and HIV/AIDS on 3 provinces Create education material of OSH and HIV/AIDS
KEY OUTPUTS: Trainers of OSH and HIV/AIDS Education material CBA
ACTIVITIES: Training for Trainers of OSH and HIV/AIDS for 15 persons from Equality Commission Training OSH and HIV/ AIDS to 300 member on 3 provinces Create education material to campaign Monitoring and Evaluation
National labour law no. 13 /2003 Ilo Convention No. 155 about OSH Ilo Convention No. 183 about Principles in Maternity leave Ilo Recomendation no. 95 and 191 about Maternity protection Ilo Recomendation no. 200 about HIV and AIDS
15 persons trainers of OSH and HIV/ AIDS in 3 provinces 230 Women workers aware and understand of reproductive health 90 women workers be able negotiate issue reproductive health on CBA 1000 books of Education material to produced Issue reproductive health on CBA
MONITORING: All developments of activites will be monitored by National Executive Board KSBSI REPORTING: Mid term report on June 2012, and Annual report on December 2012 by Gender Equality Commission of KSBSI EVALUATION: Evaluation will be held after the project are done (Dec 2012), the parties involve are: Gender Equality Commission, National Executive Board (DEN KSBSI) and Federation and also independent institute