People Management and Organizational Behaviour
Agenda for Today Course Outline/Introduction Personality Career Interests Leadership Drawing Exercise
% Employers seeking on candidate’s resume Ability to work in a team 79.8% Leadership 77.2% Communication skills (written) 75.6% Problem-solving skill 74.1% Strong work ethic 73.1% Analytical/quantitative skills 72.0% Communication skills (verbal) 67.4% Initiative 65.3% Technical skills 61.1% Detail-oriented 57.5% Computer skills 55.4% Interpersonal skills (relates well to others) 54.9% Entrepreneurial skills/risk-taker 21.8%
Soft skills vs. Technical Skills Employers satisfied with the level of ‘hard skills’, but not satisfied with the level of ‘soft skills’ of college graduates (NACE, 2010). More managers are fired for lack of soft skills than for lacking technical skills. Most managers fail because –they have “bad judgment, –can’t build teams, –have troubled relationships, –Can’t manage themselves –Learn from their mistakes. Hogan, J., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2010, p. 3).
Employers’ ratings of the importance of candidate skills Ability to work in a team structure 4.60 Ability to verbally communicate 4.59 Ability to make decisions and solve problems 4.49 Ability to obtain and process information 4.46 Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work 4.45 Ability to analyze quantitative data 4.23 Technical knowledge related to the job 4.23 Proficiency with computer software programs 4.04 Ability to create and/or edit written reports 3.65 Ability to sell or influence others 3.51 National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Research: Job Outlook 2012
How You will Learn in this Class Role Plays / Simulations and Debriefing Lecture/Discussions Self Assessments & Reflection –Assignment 1 & Final exam Team Presentation Readings
Methods of Evaluation Individually Written Assignment =20% –Analysis of based on leadership skills questionnaires completed by self and others
Methods of Evaluation Class Participation –Worth 10% –Class discussion on exercises & lectures –Comments on “Participation Logs” –Professionalism in Class ( e.g., no social media use on laptops/smart phones, arriving on time, taking breaks at the right time)
Team Oral Presentation –Worth 35% –Research for and against a hypothesis Topics randomly assigned –Requirements covered in separate class Methods of Evaluation
Final exam=35% –Short answer questions based on Discussion questions posed in lecture Reflection /Debriefing questions on role play experiences Readings (text book chapters, journal articles)
Where to get materials Lecture & Readings ppts Journal articles available in library (& portal) Textbook (old versions ok) Self Assessment Download excel sheets Role Play Handouts of roles in class Do not show your roles to anyone before role play, unless in same group/role
My availability On –turnaround- 24 hours during weekdays and 48 hours on weekend By appointment in person –Before or after class Google chat (phani.radhakrishnan) or telephone by appointment on –Tuesdays Thursdays & Friday 10a-430p
TA availability By –Anny Fong –Elham Marzi Drop in during tutorial hours –Before class
Agenda for Today Course Outline/Introduction Personality Career Interests Leadership Drawing Exercise