Lupe Lopez Masterflight Foundation
Experience new ways of interacting as leaders Shift the way we use our leadership skills Learn new skills Know yourself What can you do as a leader?
Managing and Leading are unique and complementary systems of action
If your numbers lean heavily to either side of the scale, let’s talk! Both types of skills are needed to be effective in this changing world If you are an ED, got news for you, you need to balance both, how much time depends on how many staff you have As a board member, your time should lean towards the right side of the scale
Acknowledging and sharing uncertainty Embracing error Responding to the future Becoming interpersonally competent (listening, nurturing, coping with value conflicts, etc.) Gaining self-knowledge
Ability to accept people as they are, not as you would like them to be Capacity to approach relationships and problems in terms of the present rather than the past Ability to treat those who are close to you with the same courageous attention you extend to strangers and casual acquaintances Ability to trust others, even if the risks seems great
The Art of Achieving Aligned Action
Information Understanding Implications Commitment Aligned Action
As a leader in your organization, it is important that you consider implementing an aligned action model that addresses the following questions: Why is this important? Why now? What is going to change? How is it going to change? How will this affect me? How will this affect my project/department/community? As a leader in your organization, it is important that you consider implementing an aligned action model that addresses the following questions: Why is this important? Why now? What is going to change? How is it going to change? How will this affect me? How will this affect my project/department/community?
Information alone does not make change happen Engage your organization in a process that includes understanding the new information and create space to discuss implications This process develops commitment to the new direction that will result in aligned action Information alone does not make change happen Engage your organization in a process that includes understanding the new information and create space to discuss implications This process develops commitment to the new direction that will result in aligned action
Your teams will be operating at 90+% of their true capacity This is NOT about superficial harmony Real alignment is about figuring out where to invest resources, people, time and focus. Your teams will be operating at 90+% of their true capacity This is NOT about superficial harmony Real alignment is about figuring out where to invest resources, people, time and focus.
Conversant solutions, LLC
The basic unit of work in an organization Definition: a literary and theatrical form consisting of a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people.literarytheatricalconversational “The quality of the dialogue determines how people gather and process information, how they make decisions, and how they feel about one another and the outcome of decisions” -- Ram Charan, Conquering a Culture of Indecision
Disagree Defend Destroy
Align Act Adjust
The assessment I make of you when you commit to take some action
Sincerity ◦ The assessment that you are being honest with me ◦ You are not holding back some part of your truth, your own private conversation about the commitment you have made Competence ◦ The assessment that you are able to perform the actions necessary to fulfill the commitment Reliability ◦ The assessment that you are able to fulfill the commitment on time and as promised
Think long term ◦ How do you wish to behave as a trustworthy and respected leader (how do you wish others to perceive you)? As a leader in a changing world, are you taking action? ◦ Handout 8 is a trust worksheet from the book The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey ◦ Consider 2 to 3 actions you are willing to do during the rest of this conference – and then do them!
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